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— Is this a crisis of 30 years?— Maybe. Or maybe not. But he will definitely come. The crisis of 30 years belongs to the normative age crises. This means that normally each of us goes through it. The crisis manifests itself in different ways and not always with high amplitude. Losses and extreme life situations in this age period can activate a crisis of thirty or affect its depth. 30 is an average figure: a crisis can occur at 28, and later at 33. This, like the form of manifestation of the crisis, depends on your personal background and external factors (environment and changes in the world). By this age, a person begins to feel some kind of dissatisfaction in one or more areas of his life. Why does this happen? The point is that these are echoes of a choice or set of choices we made in our twenties. These were the decisions necessary at that stage of development. We accepted them as best we could. Spontaneously, emotionally, without knowing yourself. Often they followed the path of least resistance. Not yet mature and conscious, but already having to choose a profession, first job, partner... Some of this ends up being left out altogether: I quit studying to earn money; put aside his personal life to build a career; went into science - forgot about the body. Perhaps it was scary to follow your interests due to parental or cultural pressure, as well as economic restrictions. In addition to the decisions made at the age of twenty, by the age of 30 the formation of personality ends, there is a variety of accumulated experience, a person understands what he likes in some way - becomes disappointed, values ​​are adjusted or change greatly. And now, at 30, a person feels dissatisfied because what he has: • is not enough • does not like • he “didn’t choose” Example: Kira, on the urgent advice of her parents, received a profession “that will come in handy at any time.” While still studying, she took up a part-time job. From time to time, the friendly and sociable Kira received exciting project proposals from acquaintances from work and from classmates. She took on everything. Time flew by unnoticed. At the age of 28, Kira discovered that:• she had never worked in a profession (“which will always be useful”) and had not even come into contact with practice in this profile• she had not developed as a professional in any subject area• she did not know , what does he want to do➡️ crisis of 30 years💥The opposite also happens: a super professional, but no depth in the relationship. Or this: there is both a career and a family, but “Something is not right...” And this “something is not right” you'll have to do some research. A crisis can manifest itself in various forms: fear of accepting responsibility, searching for a calling, reconsidering your environment, choosing a place to live, and more. What to do? As usual, there is no unique recipe. It is important to think: “What do I want my life to be like? What am I doing now and what do I really want to do?” Active actions can be a constructive way to overcome a crisis: choice, decision, change. A person experiencing a crisis of 30 needs new guidelines and beginnings, a revision of goals. The same Kira from the example can receive additional education. Someone will move to another country or get divorced, buy an apartment and move out of their parents’ house, take a sabbatical, travel around the world or start learning languages, think about children or a second child, perhaps get a dog. My 30s were about accepting new responsibilities. Each of us has our own path. Yes, a crisis is not easy, but it is an opportunity to move to a new level. I think during this period it is very important to listen to yourself and be bolder than usual 🙏🏼