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From the author: If you have achieved heights in your professional or social life, do not lose yourself in the new interior of life! Share the secrets of how you experience success and failure. www.evgeniyavarlamova.comHOW TO EXPERIENCE YOUR OWN FAMEThere are many more people striving for success than those who can withstand success. Popular wisdom says that fame is harder to deal with than failure. How can you learn to pass all the tests of life - fire, water and, most importantly, copper pipes? How can you make your own takeoff not the finale of your career, but a stage, a springboard to the next takeoff? “Fame is a poison that needs to be taken in small doses.” Balzac. The flip side of success is “Careers are different,” says Doctor of Psychology, Tatyana Bazylevich. “Those whose success is based on a combination of connections and random circumstances suffer from star fever.” If the basis of a career is professionalism, perseverance and hard work, then success is perceived as a pattern and does not cause dizziness. But who among us admits to himself that he worked little and received honors that were not deserved?! “Others are susceptible to star fever - stupid, vain people, but not me personally, hardworking, modest and competent,” - that’s approximately what everyone thinks. The famous TV presenter Vladimir Pozner said that he was able to worthily bear the burden of fame because it overtook him in mature age, when he had already seen a lot and was able to adequately evaluate his merits. The younger a person is, the less reserve of sanity and critical attitude towards his own person he has. Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that it is extremely difficult to maintain a sober mind and not think too much about yourself. For example, fate challenges and invites a young, inexperienced person to take such a huge step in his career that he is not ready for. Sergei Stepanov, Doctor of Psychology, director of the Pavlovsk Gymnasium: “A sharp breakthrough in a career is dangerous, like climbing a mountain without equipment. Firstly, a person loses his usual environment, and with it a system of professional guidelines. Secondly, around a new figure a retinue is instantly formed that distorts the information in their favor, and simply flatters the person, and the illusion of hyper-power and super-competence arises, and, as a result, he becomes unable to trust professional consultants, and it is simply impossible for him to understand the enormous amount of information. the machinations of enemies, competitors and envious people. The danger of star fever is not so much that the politician becomes inflated in his own eyes, but that he ceases to have professional reflection - the assessment of himself, his sociocultural context and his work. Therefore, this is a dead end. at any level in the social hierarchy, it is more useful to feel not at the top, but on the way to it and to see prospects for your own development ahead. Create a team Work in a new place must begin with the creation of a new team. With a sharp rise in career, a person, as a rule, loses most of his colleagues and like-minded people. People who were previously nearby find themselves lower in status and competence, and it is difficult to count on their participation in their own affairs. It’s unclear where to find new ones. If you want to avoid flatterers and crooks who will manipulate you in the future, start your work with those issues in which you yourself are competent and where it is easier for you to evaluate the contribution of new people - and a lot of them will appear around you. Galina Razbivnaya, Minister of Education of the Republic of Karelia: “A year and a half ago, an unexpected sharp leap occurred in my career - I regretfully left the position of director of the Palace of Creativity and accepted the offer to become a minister. Of course, I was greeted with very wariness. But I always tried to switch people to business, to take care of the children. They simply did not have time to discuss my appointment. I avoid gossip, I do not allow myself to be drawn into intrigue, I surround myself with smart and experienced people.