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Website "World of Psychics", 2011, author - psychologist Vladimir Dobrovolsky. Let's try to look into the deep mechanisms of thinking. Why this is needed will become clear as we describe the processes occurring in the head. Immediately after conception, the mechanism of “equilibrium thinking” is activated. With “equilibrium thinking,” the principle of “communicating vessels” operates, in which irritation in one half of the brain is inhibited by counter-excitation arising in the other half, and vice versa, which allows any irritation to be considered objectively. The desire for correctness is inherent at the genetic level and is the basis for the survival of all living things. With “equilibrium thinking,” both halves of the brain are equal. Mutual inhibition allows you to quickly restore balance lost under the influence of irritations. Balance is what the entire body constantly strives for, which is the basis of its existence. Most recovery processes occur during sleep. Unfortunately, the amount of accumulated irritation outpaces its release, which gradually leads to depletion of the central nervous system. And the culprit is shift thinking, which gives birth to life, but at the same time is the gravedigger of the entire organism. Shift thinking is formed under the influence of irritations that attack the body, is based on emotional reactions and obeys instincts. Under the influence of irritations attacking the body, shifts are constantly formed. They mobilize the body’s forces to find ways to preserve life, gain pleasure, procreate, etc. The balance disturbed during wakefulness during sleep should be completely restored, but this does not happen due to too strong or prolonged irritations that disrupt the process of self-regulation. A stable pathological shift occurs, programming the central nervous system for breakdowns and self-destruction. Pathological shift thinking occurs already at the intrauterine level during the first psychotraumas, when the brain cannot cope with irritation in order to comprehend it, adapt to it and neutralize it. The fetus inside the mother lives autonomously and at the same time is highly dependent on the irritations coming from her. For example, a mother is stressed. Irritating impulses also rush into the fetus, whose defense against unpleasant irritations is too weak. And if these irritations attack for a long time or strongly enough, a breakdown of the defense occurs, and an injury occurs. With repeated maternal stress and the presence of this trauma, irritations more easily break through the defense. Then the fetal injury turns into a hypersensitive wound that is irritated by literally everything. Next, the wound begins to function in a self-irritation mode, that is, at the slightest relaxation, it is injured and immediately, escaping from irritation, slams shut with a spasm. The irritation that managed to slip into it is locked with the same spasm. The result is the following picture: the brain cannot relax, because when relaxing, spasmodic protection is removed, the over-irritated, exhausted wound is exposed and injured. But this situation is detrimental to the brain, and it finds a unique solution to the problem - it creates a shift rhythm that forms pathological shift thinking. There is a diversion of irritation from the depleted wound to an alternative, competing source of excitation, to create which it is necessary to spur the nervous system, transfer it to a more excited state, cling to something insignificant, give it super-significance and begin to look at the world from a different angle. With a new worldview, what irritated you before is no longer present in your consciousness. It was squeezed into the subconscious and ceased to be comprehended, but at the same time it was the first to react to any irritations, accumulating them, as if through a semiconductor. To prevent a slide into initial irritation, which would inevitably lead to death, a competing focusexcitations have to be maintained in an excited state all the time, which periodically leads to nervous breakdowns (forced inhibition). Excessive exploitation of a competing focus of excitation leads to its depletion, the formation of “complete trauma”, from which it is necessary to escape by creating the next competing focus of excitation, with the formation of a new, higher excitability, new connections around the newly created persistent focus of excitation. This seems to be how the brain develops. Fear constantly spurs on, forces us to look for more and more new options that allow us to survive and adapt to reality. But this is only a one-way run, the record of life plays only in one direction. We owe our bad habits and numerous illnesses primarily to “pathological shift thinking,” in which the balancing critical opposite has a weak position. With “pathological shift thinking,” the accumulation of stress precedes its release. Sleep doesn't always help. Why? It’s scary to go back, to move along a path where passions boiled and burned, there was a lot of stress, psychological trauma, which we managed to escape from with such difficulty and replace them with something else. The past is mostly scary, especially if there was little good in it. Is there a way out of this situation, or are the past, present and future predetermined? In addition to “shift” thinking, there is also “equilibrium thinking”, in which two opposites, your two “I”s, have equal rights in assessing the situation and making decisions. Shift thinking creates a shell world in the right hemisphere, in which you can hide from stimuli and comprehend them in parts - you look out and hide under the protection of your artificially created comfortable little world. He looked out again, hid again. It is needed, it is necessary, it has accumulated emotional experience and in critical situations it saves. All incoming information is refracted through it, but it is not objective, and therefore is not correct and needs to be corrected all the time. With “shift thinking”, breakdowns of already built ideas constantly occur due to their fixed nature, which makes thinking conservative. Fixed ideas are constantly in conflict with an ever-changing reality. It is easier to live in a shifting rhythm - a well-trodden rut, but this is a path to nowhere, a dead-end path. With “shift thinking,” harmony will never be achieved, because one-sided interests will always dominate. Harmony is possible only with balanced thinking, when the interests of the individual are combined with the interests of other people, with the world around him. Any extreme is harmful, even if it has the best intentions. Benefits of balanced thinking. Firstly, numerous diseases go away, their cause is shift thinking. Tensions accumulated throughout life, starting from conception, are relieved. You can even penetrate to the gene level to correct the mistakes of your ancestors. “Equilibrium thinking” is able to treat the most powerful psychotraumas, normalize the distorted psyche, and return feelings to their originality. With “equilibrium thinking”, both hemispheres are connected to each other, like two communicating vessels, any disturbance in one half of the head immediately tends to be balanced by counter-excitation in the other half in order to inhibit the excitation and comprehend it. With “equilibrium thinking”, stable fixations do not arise, there is no conservatism of thinking, communication with reality is carried out directly, without distortion, memory is holistic, voluminous, non-traumatic, all senses are involved in thinking, there are no prohibitions. A two-sided assessment of reality prevents the dominance of any one feeling. With the help of “equilibrium thinking” it is easier to resist stimuli and it is easier to maintain internal balance. In the longer term, “equilibrium thinking” will be able to liberate the brain so much that, at will, the excitement in the head will be able to stop, and then the phenomenon will arise“superconductivity”, in which reality will begin to be perceived directly, without distortion. Balanced thinking automatically eliminates all bad habits, such as smoking, alcoholism, and drug addiction. With “balanced thinking,” you don’t have to torture yourself with fasting in order to normalize your weight; the principle of self-regulation will itself restore the norm. But mastering “balanced thinking” is not so easy. For some, this can take months, or even years, of hard work. And someone will do it playfully. It all depends on the possibilities and the accumulated negativity, because you will have to scroll your whole life in reverse order, bring it into line with your conscience, force yourself to face the truth, return to what you ran away from, and not everyone will decide to do this. Although, on the other hand, when you begin to feel the real benefits of “balanced thinking,” the need to master it appears. Who doesn’t want to be healthy in body and soul, live a long life full of lasting emotions and be in harmony with yourself and the world around you? Balanced thinking is not a panacea for all problems, it is simply a more balanced approach to solving them. Let's try to understand the components of “equilibrium thinking”. What is balanced thinking? Imagine a snail crawling out of its shell. She has not yet had a traumatic experience, she has no fear, she is relaxed in her actions, she knows what and how she needs to do. Reality is predictable for her. Try to prick it with a pin, it will hide inside itself and hide for a while, then it will begin to crawl out cautiously, waiting for a second injection. If the injury does not recur, then after some time she will come to her senses and become relaxed again, but with some regard for the injury she received. If you prick her several times, she will withdraw into herself for a long time and then, with even greater caution, she will crawl out of her shell. The worldview will be distorted by fear, and you will have to pass all your further actions through it, otherwise it could be fraught with death. If the snail is completely deprived of the ability to crawl out with injections, then it will completely withdraw into itself and eventually die. What does it take for the snail to recover after injections? Complete rest, “zero” influx of irritation, only in this case the spasms pinching the wound will begin to open, and the wound itself will slowly heal. The central nervous system can be figuratively compared to a snail. To recover, she needs complete rest and sleep “all the way.” During sleep, stresses accumulated not only during the day, but also throughout life are released. But complete restoration of the central nervous system during sleep does not occur due to its shift orientation, “ movement in one direction,” in which the accumulation of irritations will always outpace their release. Or maybe this is the essence of development, and it is fear that forces the creation of an inner shell world in which one can hide at the moment of danger; it is fear that creates the shifting rhythm? Fear, if it dominates, forces you to run away from reality, block it as a threat to your very existence and switch your attention to the inner, invented world-fortress, which has its own built-up emotional defense, its own bastions. How can we weaken the influence of fear on the psyche. ? Fear is balanced by aggression. At any level of thinking, you need to defend your “I”. But how to do this if defending the “I” is associated with possible death or great trouble? Let us introduce the concept of “vision”, which combines two opposites - “concentration” and “dispersal”. Concentration of attention allows you to read reality without distortion, photographically accurately in real time, dispersion does not allow the formation of stable fixation connections inherent in shift thinking. Vision forms the basis of “equilibrium thinking” and makes the connection with reality inextricable. “Shift thinking” is discontinuous and not flexible enough; its forecasts are only.