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Every parent has repeatedly asked himself the question: “Am I raising my child correctly?” Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered. Each person has their own criteria for proper upbringing. But no one will argue that universal human values, such as love, friendship, mutual assistance, and mercy, are what all caring parents want to instill in their children. All people want their child to grow up to be a self-sufficient, strong person, self-confident. So that the child feels as comfortable as possible in society and is happy. In this article we will analyze the basic postulates of raising a worthy personality. The role of mom and dad in education “Mom” is the first word! Mom is the main person in the life of every child. But dad also plays an equally important role. Children very clearly copy the behavior, facial expressions, words and expressions of the adults around them. And no matter how sometimes the latter would like the child not to remember that very “bad” word spoken by dad out of excess feelings about a hammer that fell on his foot, the little person will use exactly that at the next opportunity. And to the surprise of everyone around - just in the right situation, and even with the right facial expressions and gestures. It looks very funny, but not for the parents themselves. Such copying of people close to the baby actually happens in all areas of life. From a very young age, a child absorbs the behavior style of the adults around him and absorbs the family model. If the mother is gentle and caring, then the baby will be imbued with these feelings and learn this. If dad is strong and brave, his son will strive for the same. This happens in childhood unconsciously. Unfortunately, this also works for the bad qualities of adults. As in the case of a bad word. Raising love The love and care of a mother gives the child the first and most important ideas about these feelings. Being disliked in childhood has very negative consequences in adulthood: millions of complexes, aggression, apathy. But it is also important to instill in children a love for a third-party subject, for example, nature, animals. Instill respect and care for the world around them. Teach responsibility for those who have been tamed. Again, the personal example of parents remains extremely important. If a dad (or mom) beats a cat with a slipper in front of a baby, then, most likely, none of Exupery’s stories will help teach him to protect the defenseless and weak. Raising respect The common phrase “one person’s freedom ends where the freedom of another begins” is probably the most important thing what the parent should be able to convey to the child regarding the issue of respect. And again, it all starts with family. If adults do not respect each other, do not respect the child and his interests, then it will be impossible to get the child to respect other people, and even the parents themselves. A small personality also wants its interests to be taken into account. But the main thing here is to explain to him where his desires should end, that not everything is always the way he wants, and he must also take into account the interests of the people around him. Otherwise, a little tyrant appears at home who knows no boundaries or limits. It is very important not to indulge your child in everything, but to find compromises, paying his attention to the interests of other people. Character education When a little man appears in your home, he already has his own special, not yet very noticeable, character traits. Mom will be the first to see them, of course. Over time it grows and the character becomes more obvious. But there are traits that are instilled by upbringing, such as: discipline, fortitude, the ability to finish what you start, and the ability to play in a team. Many, wanting to develop strong character traits in a child, send him to sports. This is a very good and one of the simplest and most obvious methods for cultivating the above qualities. But not only sports can be suitable for this purpose; not all children are athletic for one reason or another. Almost any hobby can be used to develop strong character traits.!