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How to preserve your health and not lose your family? (Or some wisdom that will help you strengthen relationships during this difficult period) Many people will simply have to spend time at home during the period of quarantine and weekends , with family and friends. And this period can be used for the benefit of family relationships. Obviously, as a result of the presence of several people (even close ones) in a small area, conflicts are not excluded... And moreover, you can (suddenly!) make the discovery that the people you live with are not at all what you thought about them 🤦... This is what caused many divorces in China after the quarantine. Well, let's start with conflicts. There are several rules on how, without quarreling, everyone can achieve their goals. Step 1. If they don’t understand you, or, as it seems to you, they don’t hear your opinion, first of all you need to calm down and distract yourself, switching to something else. Step 2. Cooperation. The best way to resolve a conflict is to calmly ☝️ come to an agreement. To do this you need to: listen to the other person’s position, express yours, find an option that suits both of you. Step 3. All controversial issues should be resolved based on steps 1 and 2. Next, about surprises about character. Quarantine is a sharp change in the social situation, also posing a threat to life and health. This is one way or another a stressful situation! And everyone’s reaction to stress is different, some have apathy, others, on the contrary, increase activity. If you see your loved ones in an unusual state, you need to understand that this may be a reaction to a stressful situation. Then you just need to minimize the flow of information, incl. unreliable, and try to involve your other half or children in some familiar, preferably joint, activity: watch movies, cook a dish... something that will please and bring positive emotions! We can make unexpected discoveries about our loved ones because there really is an opportunity carefully and for a long time ☝️ observe those we love (what we miss in ordinary life). How to react correctly if you suddenly see a “skeleton in the closet”? It is very important not to be scared and not to swear! In fact, because each of us has our own “skeletons in the closet”. But the fact that these skeletons began to peek out suggests that trust is growing between you ❤️, and calm acceptance of those character traits that are unexpected for you in your loved ones, perhaps with humor, will help strengthen family ties and make them invisible the threads of Love are stronger and more resistant to life’s trials. Love and mutual understanding to you during the quarantine period, take care of yourself and your loved ones. Olga Balenko, child and family psychologist.