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With a life without going out in a big city and especially with constant office work, a condition called hospitalism develops, which is characteristic of both young children left without parental attention and adult chronic patients of medical institutions. The main problem of hospital syndrome is that it is a symptom of the patient’s maladjustment, i.e. losing contact with reality. Having symptoms of hospitalism means that you are surviving ineffectively, that is, your efforts are not bringing a positive result for you. Hospital syndrome develops most often in people with chronic diseases who are forced to spend a lot of time in hospital treatment. Weakening survival and adaptation skills is also a kind of disease that becomes chronic. In addition, real maladaptation necessarily entails many psychosomatic consequences, not to mention psychosemantic ones... Let's look at the main symptoms of hospitalism and see if you are in an unfavorable situation for you. Routine as a “lifestyle” A patient with hospitalism syndrome seems to be getting used to In the role of a chronically ill person, his stay in the hospital becomes his “lifestyle”. Unaccustomed to life outside the hospital, a person sometimes makes significant efforts to return to the hospital. Ask yourself: Is life outside your office (or other place of regular residence) uncomfortable, inconvenient, boring for you? Do you find any other meaning in your life besides performing your routine duties? Is it easy for you to switch from one activity to another? to another? From what brings you income to what you like to do just like that? Have you become a robot who just pulls his “shoulder”, hour after hour, day after day? If you feel as if you have every day - This is “Groundhog Day” if you act as if you are carrying out some kind of program, if you are stuck with the routine and monotony of life, you are at risk. Weakening social connections Analyze your social connections and interactions. Is everything going well here: Is your professional career developing? Are you interested in this? Are you in a partnership with someone? Are you a responsible person? Do you fulfill your obligations or try not to take on unnecessary burdens? Do you like to develop or do you just want to be left alone and left alone? In what phase are your social interactions - on the rise or on the decline? Does it happen? do you feel like you are a lost little child when you are in a crowd? Do you maintain relationships with old friends and do you feel satisfaction from communicating with them? If you feel that you are losing your social adaptation skills if new acquaintances and connections do not help you They are encouraging if the need for constant communication at work or through friendship stresses you out - you may lose your survival skills in society and in the metropolis. Are you motivated to work? Now let’s look at our motivation to work. Let's answer the following questions: Do I like the content and nature of my work or do I work only for money? Do I see prospects for myself in my job or would I change it if I had the opportunity? Does anyone need what I have? do I do, is my work useful for people? Does my work bring me joy? Do I work because I need to feed myself and my family or because it is my self-realization? If you work only out of necessity, for a piece of bread, you are dragging your feet work does not bring you joy and satisfaction - you are at risk of hospitalization. Good, meaningful work that brings not only money, but also satisfaction from the meaningfulness of one’s life is the most important part of real social adaptation. If this is not the case, the situation may threaten the effectiveness of your survival in society. Loneliness, feeling of isolationAnother one".