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From the author: In the article I share practical recommendations for treating OCD. Also in the article you will find links to useful materials. You are reading an article devoted to the problems of OCD, treatment methods and psychotherapy. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is primarily an emotional disorder, which is accompanied by obsessive thoughts and rituals designed to alleviate a person’s negative experiences. In this article we will look at the structure of OCD and ways to independently alleviate (not treat) the consequences of OCD. How OCD manifests Manifestations can have a wide variability from a slight decrease in quality of life to a significant decrease in the level of functioning. In simple words - from a state in which you can live and enjoy, albeit with obsessive thoughts and increased anxiety, to a state of complete isolation from the outside world. The structure of OCD includes mandatory blocks: Fear, which helps you think 'anxious thoughts'. Thinking through ' disturbing thoughts' (obsessions). Actions and rituals designed to protect you from obsessions (compulsions). Now in more detail: 1. Fear appears as an emotional reaction to situations that you perceive as dangerous. Along with emotion, the process of thinking goes hand in hand, i.e. You . accompany your emotions with thoughts, images and fantasies. - Why are you checking the signature on a document for the tenth time (compulsions)? - I am afraid (emotion) “that I put my signature in the wrong place” (obsession), and “this will entail dire consequences "(obsession). 2. After the formation of fear and the first verbal descriptions of their fear, a person with OCD begins to struggle with anxious thoughts. As soon as he begins to 'repress' or 'suppress' thoughts, they become obsessive. Doubts arise about your mental health, which further increases fear and anxiety. Speaking about attitudes that support OCD, we can highlight the following: I shouldn’t think like that, there’s something wrong with me. If I think like that, then I’m going crazy .Only terrible people can think like that. My thoughts are a harbinger of trouble, since they can come true. I have to control my every negative thought. If I wanted not to think like that, I wouldn’t think. That means I’m a bad person. And many others... 3. If such states continue for a long time, the person begins to adapt using his own methods. Most often, this is the development of a set of rituals and habits in one’s behavior. Washing hands for several hours a day; Endless checks in style, have I locked the doors, have I turned off the iron and air conditioner, have I put the car on the handbrake, is carbon monoxide coming from ventilation; Here you can add pathological jealousy and obsessive checks of your partner; “Pah-pah, so as not to jinx it” and other tricks to reduce anxiety and fear. What to do if you suspect OCD? If you notice constant thoughts about catastrophes, troubles and an irresistible desire to check, control or take some action, it’s time to turn to literature and specialists. I will propose an algorithm that can speed up the process of treating OCD1. You need to know your diagnosis accurately. To do this, you need to contact a specialist. A psychotherapist or psychiatrist may well be able to determine what exactly is happening to you.2. If necessary, you can enlist medicinal support and be sure (!) to undergo a course of psychotherapy. Medicines are a temporary solution and will not cure the problem. Psychotherapy is working with the cause of the problem.3. Actively participate in the treatment process, take responsibility for the result, participate in treatment with maximum dedication.Additional recommendations:1. Take the test for anxiety and depression using the link (free)2. Learn about exposure therapy for anxiety disorders in my book (free download)3. Subscribe to my blog about anxiety disorders on Instagram* (link in my profile on this site) and actively participate in discussions and live broadcasts. What internal changes help overcome OCD? To completely get rid of.