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From the author: The article is being prepared for publication in a popular newspaper. Nowadays, everyone can and should take care of their health into their own hands. There are many methods, rules, and principles for preserving and restoring health that are offered today. All that remains is to choose the appropriate system and act. First you need to understand what you need and what criteria to use to choose a method or system. It depends on the tasks and problems that life or its more specific component—your health—sets before you. The biggest problem is cardiovascular diseases. The youngest problem is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and spine. Let's figure it out a little - why these problems arise. Stomach. What is he suffering from? From stress, from poorly chewed food, from overeating, from poor quality food. What leads to the listed reasons? Stress. There was and probably always will be a reason for stress. Is stress the enemy? Unfavorable position. Stress is external. Stress brings an event. Events can be learned to manage. Only - this is “aerobatics” - it is achieved by serious work, requiring an increased state of apprenticeship (this is a word about perspective). It makes sense to start learning this at some point. In any case, acquiring the skill to manage events begins with simple work with the body, emotions, and thoughts. This is an inside job. Those. The source of stress is external, and resistance to stress is internal. What is inside is incomparably more accessible to transformation than what is outside. I'll try to put it more simply. Life events bring stress. If a person learns to accept these events and find something positive in them, he will change his attitude towards these events, then the stress will be less... because a person armed with such principles becomes stronger. The conclusion suggests itself: “The enemy is not stress, but one’s own instability to stress.” Those. The enemy for a person is a deficiency of some ability. Any ability can be developed, so you need to choose a health system that trains resistance to stress. When you act systematically and competently, not only the stomach, but also other body systems stop suffering. And most importantly, your life changes positively. Poorly chewed food. Cause?! Vanity, haste. This may be an acquired habit or a personality trait. If a habit or character trait leads to poor health, it makes sense to change the habit and transform your character. We train new habits and character traits that are opposite to those that interfere - we remove another source that disrupts the functioning of the body. Poor quality food. In modern conditions, there are many affordable opportunities to consume quality food. Carelessness, due to which a person does not look at what he eats, is a character trait or a habit. We have already discussed how to deal with this. You can add the following to this - this is a careless attitude towards yourself. It is necessary to cultivate self-love. Quite a lot has been said about the poor properties of meat foods. Those of my students who give up meat partially or completely note an improvement in their individual well-being and overall health. The idea that the body needs animal protein and that it is irreplaceable is a stereotype. The body is able to synthesize essential amino acids. The body needs enough air, sun and good mood. This article does not call for completely abandoning animal protein, there is only information for thought. The body opens up the reserves of its capabilities only in special – unusual or extreme conditions. The only question is whether circumstances created these conditions or the person himself is the owner of this organism. It is not beneficial to be at the mercy of circumstances. It is possible to learn at least relative freedom from circumstances. There would be interest. Overeating. Every overeating is a blow to your health. This is stress that is not caused by external conditions, but by the owner of the body himself. The person himself harms himself. A person who loves himself will not do anything to harm himself. So whydoes he do this? Firstly, because he loves his weaknesses more than himself. Secondly, he didn’t do it on purpose. He strives for pleasure. Eating a tasty meal is the most affordable way to get pleasure, which you can get 3 times a day, and also drink tea with buns at work instead of a smoke break. It is difficult to deny yourself this pleasure when life is boring, work is not interesting, when there is little joy and pleasure in life. How to deal with this?! Again, train your character. Learn to manage your mood. Learn to enjoy the little things. Learn to admire, admire. Learn to love. All this is possible. Filling yourself with this possibility has a healing effect. Cardiovascular disease (CVD). Doctors are unable to influence the scale to which this disease with incredible stability wipes out people from among the living. Why? Because the cause of CVD is lifestyle. Medicine is powerless here. No doctor can impose a healthy lifestyle on society; he can only prescribe it to a few patients. Patients may happily ignore the prescription. Lifestyle is what a person chooses independently. CVD is repelled by physical activity, positive emotions, hardening, stress resistance training, and training of helping character traits. You can also say this: “Cultivating inner strength and virtues is useful for a high quality of life.” In order to ensure a stable cardiovascular system, there are simple exercises with breathing and meditative elements. Spine. This is an important element of the body, which for some reason has developed a disdainful attitude. The spine suffers greatly from rough, improper exploitation of its owner – man. And since the innervation of vital systems and organs, including those discussed above, is carried out through the spine (the spinal cord in it), a violation of the quality of the spine negatively affects the state of these systems and organs. What to do? Bring the spine into a healthy state. For this, there is a simple, effective gymnastic complex. The argument why you need to devote time to your health is simple. Every normal person wants to live in joy. This is possible if you have good health, the right life credo and material freedom. The simplest and easiest place to start is with health. How much money do people today leave at the pharmacy when buying medicine? Incredibly many. People spend huge amounts of money on chemicals that are not intended to heal, but only to relieve suffering. Chemicals cannot bring the desired prospects. These remedies are aimed at suppressing the symptom, but not the root of the problem. The root remains, which means it will cause trouble in the future and drain money to fight the symptoms. This is a huge savings - spending money on your self-education in terms of strengthening your health one day, so as not to spend tens of times more on medicines throughout your life. There are many positive examples of achieving the desired results. Graduates of the training write me letters, reporting their successes, and also asking for advice in cases where they were moving towards complete recovery and got stuck at a certain stage. I was very impressed by the result of Irina from Komsomolsk, who coped with coxarthrosis. Pelvic distortion arose as a complication after influenza due to birth trauma of both hip joints. In one 10-day period, Irina eliminated the 6 cm difference in leg length and was able to do several squats. The problem persisted for five years and a visible way to solve it was seen only in an operation performed by highly qualified specialists in Novosibirsk (the cost of such an operation is $5,000 for each hip joint). But by chance, my colleague and I brought this training to Komsomolsk. A person suffering from health came to the training, took the knowledge, applied it in practice and was able to solve his problem. The other day Boris came to Montreal to study for one day. He was Canadian doctors +7(4232)677762.