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How to separate an adult from his parents1. Take on the role of an adult Learn to build a new, more adult model of behavior. Develop willpower and discipline. T2. Realize your own desires It is important to figure out which “I want” yours are. Then it will be easier to give up parental desires and find yourself, your path. Ask yourself questions more often: “What do I want?”, “What am I really like?”, “What can I?” 3. Independence from parental expectations In almost every family, parents have certain expectations for their children. Now the task is to separate the opinions and expectations of your parents from your desires and goals. Because no matter how hard you try, there will always be something they will not be happy with.4. Work with the fear of responsibility. Learn to take responsibility, step by step, starting with the little things. 5. Accept your parents as they are. Recognize and understand that they are adults who are unlikely to change. In your behavior, try to avoid arguing with them and prove something to them. Consider how you can communicate and respond differently.6. Don't let him manipulate you Often parents use manipulation when they don't want him to separate from them. Therefore, tracking and combating manipulation is another mandatory step towards separation. You can get rid of this behavior by building personal boundaries. For example, discuss with your parents that you cannot touch personal belongings without permission or come into the apartment without warning with your keys.7. Forgive your parents The older you get, the better you understand that your parents have somehow caused any complexes and psychological trauma. Well, there are no ideal mothers and fathers. Therefore, it is very important to work through grievances! In any case, it was they who helped you become such a person with your virtues and positive aspects.8. Acceptance. Understand and accept that you cannot get absolutely everything from your parental family: love, support, approval of your path, permission to live your life. As you grow up, it is important for you to come to the feeling: “I can give myself what I need.” In addition, for all this in adult life there are friends, colleagues, partners, like-minded people.9. Moving away from your parents This step will help you quickly become independent and avoid some manipulations. Living independently, planning your daily life and other things is a big step towards adulthood.10. Get rid of guilt Most likely, all the previous points will be difficult to complete without offending your parents. This stage also needs to be lived through. Perhaps your relatives are not ready to separate from you and will use different methods. If you have already decided to separate from your parents. Don’t give up. To make this path of separation less painful for you, a complex psychologist can help you through it.