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Svetlana is a young woman who can be described as an “advanced” client. She studied psychology, worked with different psychologists, and at the time we met, she immediately told not only her problem, but also a rather serious analysis of this problem. (The name of the client, the details of the client story have been changed, but consent to publication has been received). “If I liked or was interested in a man,” says Svetlana, “then I can immediately tell a lot about his life, character and the development of my relationship with him .When Svetlana talks, she smiles, but I see that she is very tense and tears periodically well up in her eyes. - Yes, I already realized that I like men of a certain type, type. They also look somewhat similar in appearance. But even if I don’t recognize the type at first, the fact that he interests me already speaks volumes. The men Svetlana likes are very attractive in appearance. Not handsome, not pumped up boys with prominent muscles (often this is the main, and sometimes the only advantage of such handsome men), they are beautiful with a different kind of beauty - posture, head carriage, self-confidence, solidity, masculinity, intelligence (glowing in the eyes)), charisma. Such men already realize that they are in demand in women's society, they have already achieved a lot in their lives, and, most often, they are married. One description is enough to say - how can you not fall in love with such a person?) You can! Men of this type are not equally suitable for everyone. Moreover, these men have other character qualities that are not so attractive to many women. Svetlana is already aware of this in detail! She has encountered such men more than once and has already studied the “other side of the coin.” And the other side is “rich” - most often these men are skilled manipulators and even abusers in relationships with women! Very quickly in relationships with such men it turns out that for Only his pleasure and comfort matter to him, and the pleasure and comfort of a woman are not taken into account at all! Plus the main thing is that a woman finds herself in a triangular relationship! The well-known love triangle! Or even a polygon. Since a man of this type needs to please (or charm) all women within his reach! Svetlana herself told all this at the first meeting. She had already gained a lot of experience in such relationships. At the time of our meeting, the girl had already broken up with her last “passion” and felt suffering from the ensuing period of loneliness. At the same time, I felt fear that if the relationship reappeared, it would again develop according to a familiar scenario. In the conversation, Svetlana also mentioned other men who were among her acquaintances). And I decided to find out what prospects these “other” men would like should she build a relationship with one of them? At first Svetlana didn’t even understand what I was talking about and who I meant - she in no way considered these men as potential partners! - Why? - I was surprised, - after all, according to your story, each of them is ready to carry “slippers in their teeth” after you!? - That’s why there are no prospects - I’m just bored with them! - Svetlana answered sadly. Very often this happens - when a woman says that she is lonely and suffers from this - this means that there is no one who will “hook” her. There may be others nearby with whom she could have a very good life. a good relationship in which she will be loved, desired, etc. And it’s surprising - such “advanced” women as Svetlana (and she herself is very bright, interesting, independent and accomplished in the profession), understand what a “trap” they are in pleased! But understanding is not the same as the ability to get out of this “trap”. Many people know that eating sweets and starchy foods is not good for health! AND….? Have they stopped doing this? So Svetlana came to a psychologist in order to, together with a specialist, get out of this difficult situation - with some it is unbearably difficult, and with others it is unbearable.