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It is not easy to recognize a cunning manipulator in a loved one, especially when you love him very much. Inexperienced guys often fall in love with girls who take advantage of the man's affection for them, but remain indifferent to them. They simply manipulate a man for their own interests. Be attentive and do not allow your feelings to be neglected. Remember the main signs of manipulators. Unfaithfulness to a partner. In relations with a manipulator, only he sets the rules. But whether you agree with them or not is the last thing. A girl who has no interest or attraction towards you is most often looking to meet others. It all can start with SMS from unknown men, communication with “friends” on social networks, walks with unfamiliar guys. Moreover, even if you do not approve of such behavior, no one will listen. Many inexperienced men, when jealousy arises inside, begin to become even more attached to the girl: taking them to restaurants, buying expensive gifts - in a word, doing everything so that the “love of their life” does not leave them. But if a woman is looking for communication with other men, then she did not choose you and a frank and direct conversation is needed here. What manipulators usually don’t like very much. They are only interested in your finances. A manipulative girl is looking for a naive but wealthy partner who, fascinated by her charm, will provide a luxurious and carefree life. Unfortunately, their plan often works. At first the girl asks for, so to speak, “symbolic” amounts, but over time she increases her requests. Nails, hairstyles, cosmetics sets, expensive equipment - everything is purchased at your expense. Moreover, you do not receive a single drop of gratitude for your generosity. There is a feeling that you are being robbed. Disrespect for the partner and devaluation. The girl is ashamed to appear together in a company; she is not proud of you as a partner. You receive no praise at all from your significant other, and all your goals and achievements are not appreciated. In general, in her actions there is no feeling of love, but on the contrary, something disdainful. Sometimes you feel like a girl doesn’t care about you. It's time to think about whether these fears are in vain. Relieving yourself of any responsibilities. According to the manipulative girl, she doesn’t owe anyone anything. Her freedom stands above all others: she does not allow herself to be limited in communication with other men or in recreation. For her, there are only your responsibilities: the obligation to buy expensive clothes, treat her in a restaurant, order a taxi and fully pay for her wishes. Indifference. The girl is not interested in where and with whom you spend time. She can talk for hours about what's new in her life, but not ask how her man is doing. She is absolutely indifferent to her partner’s goals, dreams, and life principles. Your dialogue often breaks down due to the girl's disinterest. But! When she needs something from you, she will get you out of the ground. The manifestation of any of these signs does not mean that the woman is absolutely indifferent to you. But it is important to understand what exactly you want from a relationship and whether such an attitude suits you. Don’t give in to manipulators, choose a woman consciously. With respect to you, psychologist Olga Bychkova!