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From the author: Classes with a child can be useful and necessary. "For what?" - you ask - “After all, the child does not want to study, and he is not interested in it.” Read the answer in the article! How to work with a 3-4 year old child Often, when thinking about the development of their child, mothers are faced with many questions: What exactly should they play with their child, where and how? What should a child know and be able to do at a given age? he can study so as not to get tired and lose the desire to study? Is it worth insisting on studying or is it better to “seize the moment”? What to do if the child does not want to play? How to interest the baby? etc. The existing views of both parents themselves and specialists on how and what to do with a child vary greatly from extremely liberal to extremely strict. Here are some examples of a “democratic” position: you should not “molest” a child if if he doesn’t want to study, then there’s no need to; there’s no need to create special conditions for studying - everything should happen in natural situations: on the floor, on the street, in conversation, during play; all children are unique - don’t worry if the child doesn’t know the colors at 3 years old, which means he will learn them at 5. And several examples of a demanding position: it’s a shame if a child at three years old does not know basic rhymes, cannot name colors and shapes; if you don’t work with the child, then there will be big problems at school; discipline should be in everything! Obviously, the truth is somewhere in the middle, because the maturation of brain structures requires gradual and regular load. On the other hand, some parents get so busy with early development that the child suffers from an abundance of activities, clubs and information and loses the golden period of childhood. When are classes with a child useful and necessary? If your child takes the initiative; if he comes on his own comes to you with a book and asks you to read or play; if he memorizes rhymes and fairy tales on the fly; if he likes to ask you questions; if the baby draws, sculpts, cuts and builds himself, then you have nothing to worry about! In this case, you just need to maintain the child’s interest, participate in his games and provide him with new interesting games and ideas. However, there are other situations when: the child does not show interest in learning; the child does not perceive the mother as an authority, does not want to study with her; the child is delayed in development; the child is mischievous, makes faces and sabotages classes in every possible way; the child is so shy that he does not want to play and does not play with anyone except mom, does not play with other children. In this case, classes with the child can be useful and necessary. "For what?" - you ask - “After all, the child does not want to study, and he is not interested in it.” In this case, classes can be aimed precisely at helping the child develop his interest, learn to study, communicate and build relationships of cooperation and interaction. But this is so important for the development of a child’s personality! So, classes with a 3-4 year old child can pursue different goals: developmental activities - helping the child master age-appropriate knowledge (shapes, colors, classification of objects, numbers, etc.). A child’s development occurs in accordance with certain stages, so classes can help him go through them more efficiently; developing skills of attention and focus. Normally, if the tasks and games are chosen correctly, the child studies attentively enough and is interested in finishing the task to the end. Many mothers say that the child is ready to sit for hours... But if this area of ​​the child suffers, if he is impulsive and, no matter how hard he tries, cannot complete his task to the end, classes can help him cope with his restlessness (of course , I mean that all tasks are selected within the framework of the child’s capabilities and interests); establishing contact and interaction with the mother, when the child learns to take the mother’s requests and suggestions seriously, learns to imitate, cooperate, plan, etc.; developing the ability to communicate when in the game, the child masters the skills of asking for helpto another, to express your desires so as to be understood, to offer a game, to clarify something (for example, games of “guest”, “Birthday”, “shop”, etc.) In a word, activities with a child can be not only useful, but often necessary. How to work with a child? Classes with a child 3-4 years old should be carried out only in a playful way. What does it mean? You all know that the leading activity for a preschool child is play. During this period, the child comes up with plots, plays out actions, and as he gets older, he already acts as a director and creates the rules himself. However, engaging in a playful way does not necessarily mean coming up with a plot and staging a performance in which the roles are played by numbers, colors, etc. Not all parents are inventive actors and resourceful teachers. And that's okay! Don't blame yourself and go out of your way. Firstly, a gaming atmosphere can be created through the use of colorful and interesting materials. Therefore, pay attention to toys and books. Give preference to clear and clear pictures, not too flashy colors, and sufficient image sizes. Small, incomprehensible black and white drawings will make anyone sad, not to mention a child. Secondly, the playful atmosphere in classes presupposes a certain emotional background that you can create for the child. While searching for a certain color, you can provoke the child, tease him a little, provoke him to do “who is faster” and, of course, praise him. Normally, the child is interested in the result, he likes to achieve goals, especially if it looks like gambling. Thus, you can work with your child by 1) weaving cognitive elements into the plot of the game, 2) using educational game materials; 3) creating a joyful emotional background of cooperation. If you decide to study with your child regularly and set certain goals for yourself, it is advisable that the lessons take place in the same place at the same time. Time. When choosing a time for classes, it is important to take into account that the child is alert, active and well-fed. Observe your child when he is most inclined to study. Most often this is in the morning or after lunch and a walk. Try to keep the time the same so that the baby can get used to the sequence of events of the day, and classes become part of the regime. How long to study with a child? Normally, a 3-year-old child can calmly study for at least (!) 15 minutes. The maturity of brain structures and the development of self-control skills allow him to cope with this task. Although, with the correct organization of the process and adaptation to classes, children can study productively for half an hour, and sometimes longer. If your child cannot stand even three minutes during joint activities, go to the article “What to do if the child does not want to play?”, which will appear soon. The place for activities should be convenient for both the child and the mother. If you experience discomfort sitting on the floor or in an uncomfortable highchair, then activities will be associated with troubles and discomfort. The best option is a special children's table and chair. If your child is restless, move one end of the table to the wall and sit on the other side. This way you protect the child from extraneous stimuli that will provoke him to get distracted or leave. If you practice on a mat, let it be “specially for practicing.” Although a mat is more associated with play, it may be more difficult for you to ask your child to perform some action on it purposefully, because the child is used to being able to play spontaneously. Be sure to take into account the child’s age. At 3-4 years old, do not rush to teach your child to read and write. Move gradually and consistently. If you decide to study with your child regularly, consult with a teacher to choose a suitable program of developmental activities. By the way, children's teacher and speech therapist Elena Ivanova has joined the team on the site and will answer all questions about what to play with your child. Get your child used to the activities gradually. If you decide!