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From the author: You won’t believe it, with every second client, we ate no more often, we talk about it. So, I decided to write almost everything that I say to them. Are you overweight? Is he really superfluous? Questions about a beautiful figure and a healthy lifestyle are now being raised everywhere. Doctors, athletes, fitness trainers, housewives in the kitchen, in general, many people talk about this. Psychologists too. And since it so happens that I am a psychologist, I want to talk to you about this painful topic. So, the main question is: “how to lose weight?” There is already an error here, by the way. Linguistically, the word “lose weight” comes from the word “bad,” so let’s not lose weight. So, in order to lose extra pounds, you need to understand - are they really extra? Here the wizard of the Internet will come to your aid, where you can easily find various calculators that will help you determine your body type, calculate your body fat percentage, measure the width of your bones, and so on. And all these indicators are not unimportant. Because the famous formula of height minus 100 (for men), height minus 110 (for women) is just another attempt to fit such different people into one standard. It's more convenient that way, right? So, let’s say you tried everything on and realized that the excess is no longer 10 kg, but only 6 kg. And you will definitely throw them off with ease. Then start looking for a diet? Error again. As my wonderful fitness trainer says: “To become thinner, you have to eat.” Hunger will only deprive you of muscles, but will not make you more fit. What is more beautiful: flabby thinness or a toned and slender body? Right. We go back to the Internet and look for how many calories we need to spend, how to eat and how to exercise. And we begin to actively become healthy and beautiful. Is everything done? Have you held out for a month and no results? That's right. We are patient. The body needs to get used to activity and a new eating style. Not everything is so fast. Yes, it’s hard to force yourself to go for a run without results. But you need patience. And don't forget about water. Two months have passed? Three? Does not help? Nothing happens to your body, but did you try? It’s hard to believe, of course, but it means it’s time to talk about the psychological component of this problem. Only after all this, and not before. So, I divide “excess weight” into two levels. The first is when you have been chubby all your life, and now you want to become a slender doe. It's difficult here, of course. The body has become accustomed to such a body, and the perception of oneself has also settled down. They removed responsibility with excuses like: heredity, physiology, genetics, etc. In this case, you will also be shown all the operations described above. It will be difficult, but the result will be magical, believe me. The system is changed by the most flexible element. Become him and everything will change. And for the changes to be beneficial and directed in the right direction, go to a psychologist. Together you will find out where your legs grow from and what kind of genetics you have that have kept your body in such shape all these years? Change your beliefs, look at your values ​​and that’s it, the journey has begun. Now the second case. You were always at the same weight, then you gained it (I won’t list the reasons, there are many of them, everyone has their own). You've been in this extra body for more than a year, and now he doesn't want to go anywhere? That's right. The body and brain get used to the weight. Whether he is extra or not, he has his weight. This is the figure that your scales have shown in recent years (+-2 kg). If the brain is already accustomed to weight, then you need to get rid of it in the same way as in the first case. And if you’re not used to it, it will go away on its own. Believe me. The body strives for its weight. If you lose weight suddenly and don’t keep this new weight off, it will also come back. This is observed by everyone who is on a diet. But you and I remember that in order to lose weight, you need to eat. But here, too, a psychologist will help you, tell you how to love yourself, how to treat food, how to set yourself up for physical exercise and other benefits. And I'll tell you about the food. So, food is the most important factor that affects our figure. After all, we eat several times a day, and even if we do sports, we do it at most 2-3 times a week. Do you feel the difference? Plus self-deception. Us!