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Winning is the stupidest thing. Not to win, but to convince - that is what is worthy of glory. V.HugoDarling, where did my slippers go again? Wife: “Again he’s hinting that I’m a bad housewife, he just doesn’t love me”: - How do I know where I’m going, look there, I’m not your maid! he spins his tornado of conflict, guesses and assumptions that have not been verified by anyone, and you are guaranteed a nice home circus from scratch. And then classic circus acts are added in the form of memories of sins many years ago: - You’re always finding fault, you never loved me, remember even after the wedding... So, we begin to learn how to resolve conflict, and we cannot do without theory. Not all conflicts can be prevented! Therefore, it is important to be able to constructively exit a conflict. The complexity and multivariate development of a conflict imply ambiguity in both the methods and forms of its completion, which consists in the end of the conflict for any reason. Let's get acquainted with the main forms of ending the conflictv - resolution, v - settlement, v - attenuation, v - elimination, v - escalation into another conflict. Choose any one that suits you. Ending the conflict - here the joint activity of all participants should take place. It is aimed at stopping opposition and solving the problem that led to the clash. For this, the activity of all participants is required. It is aimed at changing the conditions in which they interact, to eliminate the causes of the conflict. To resolve the conflict, it is necessary v - a change in the opponents themselves (or at least one of them). v - their positions that they defended in the conflict. v - a change in the opponents’ attitude towards to the object of the conflict or to each other. Often, conflict resolution is based on this. Conflict resolution differs from resolution in that a third party takes part in eliminating the contradiction between opponents. Its participation is possible both with the consent of the opposing parties and without their consent. Perhaps this there will be your girlfriend, mother, his friend, etc. For business, this is certainly a disinterested party, a consulting company or something like that. The fading of a conflict is a temporary cessation of opposition while maintaining the main signs of a conflict: contradictions and tense relationships. The conflict moves from an “overt” form to a hidden one. The fading of the conflict usually occurs as a result of: loss of motivation for confrontation (the object of the conflict has lost its relevance); reorientation of the conflict, switching to urgent matters, etc.; depletion of resources, all forces and opportunities for struggle. Elimination is an impact on the conflict, as a result of which the main structural elements of the conflict are eliminated. Elimination of the conflict is possible using the following methods: v - removal of one of the opponents from the conflict (moving, leaving, transfer to another department, dismissal from work); v - eliminating the interaction of opponents for a long time (illness, leaving for a while, sending one person on a business trip or both, etc.); v - elimination of the object of the conflict (the vase was broken, the position went to someone else, the apartment was sold) Development into another conflict - occurs when a new, more significant contradiction arises in the relations of the parties and the object of the conflict changes. It begins with a dispute about who will take the child to the pool, and goes on to the plane of who should buy the car. The outcome of the conflict is considered in the literature as the result of the struggle from the point of view of the state of the parties and their attitude towards the object of the conflict. The question of the criteria for resolving a conflict is also very important. According to the American conflictologist M. Deutsch, the main criterion for resolving a conflict is the satisfaction of the parties with its results. In domestic conflictology, the criteria for resolving a conflict look like this: v cessationcounteraction; v elimination of traumatic factors; v achieving the goal of one of the conflicting parties; v changing the position of the individual; v developing the skill of active behavior of the individual in similar situations in the future. The criteria for constructive conflict resolution are v - the degree of resolution of the contradiction underlying the conflict, v - victory in the conflict of the right opponent. It is important that when resolving a conflict, a solution to the problem that caused it arose is found. Conditions for resolving conflicts Again, referring to domestic sociologists, we say that [/url]most of the conditions and factors for successful conflict resolution are psychological in nature !!! where the characteristics of the behavior and interaction of opponents are reflected. Termination of conflict interaction is the first and obvious condition for the beginning of the resolution of any conflict. As long as some measures are taken by one or both sides to strengthen their position or weaken the opponent’s position through violence, there can be no talk of resolving the conflict. It is necessary to find common and close points of contact in the goals and interests of opponents, i.e. To. this is a two-way process (I wrote about this above) and involves an analysis of one’s own goals and interests, as well as the goals and interests of the other party. If the parties want to resolve a conflict, they should focus on the interests, and not on the personality of the opponent. When resolving a conflict, a stable negative attitude of the parties towards each other. And this is normal. The main thing is to reduce the intensity of negative emotions experienced towards your opponent. Or how to put it in the language of the training - cool the conflict. Simultaneously with the previous one, stop seeing the enemy as an enemy, an adversary. And also, objectively discuss the problem, find out the essence of the conflict, the ability of the parties to see the main thing. It is important to understand that the problem due to which the conflict arose is It’s better to decide together, by joining forces. All this contributes to the successful search for a solution to the contradiction. Also, when the parties join forces to end the conflict, it is necessary to take into account the statuses (for a company or enterprise of official position) of each other. The party occupying a subordinate position (husband-wife, mother-daughter) or having the status of a junior, must be aware of the limits of concessions that her opponent can afford. Too radical demands can provoke the stronger party to return to conflict confrontation. Another important condition is the choice of the optimal resolution strategy appropriate to the given circumstances. Strategies often become decisive for the outcome of a conflict and represent the opponent’s main line of behavior at the final stage. The choice of strategy depends on various factors: the personal characteristics of the opponent; the level of damage caused to the opponent and one’s own damage; v possible consequences; v significance of the problem being solved; v duration of the conflict, etc. Basic styles (lines) of behavior in conflict K. Thomas identifies five main styles of behavior in a conflict situation: v competition, v cooperation, v compromise, v avoidance, v adaptation. Rivalry consists of imposing a preferred solution on the other side. Rivalry is justified in the following cases: the proposed solution is clearly constructive; the benefits of the result for everyone or the organization; the importance of the outcome of the struggle for those pursuing this strategy; lack of time to persuade the opponent. Compromise is a method of behavior in which the desired solution is quickly found, generally satisfactory to both parties, but at the expense of some concessions. Compromise is effective in the following cases: the opponent understands that he and the opponent have different capabilities; the presence of mutually exclusive interests; satisfaction with the temporary solution; threats to lose everything. Today, compromise is one of the most frequently used strategies for ending conflicts. Adaptation, or concession, is considered as a forced or voluntary refusal to fight and surrender of one’s position. Adopt this strategythe opponent is forced by various motives: awareness of his wrongness, the need to maintain good relations with the opponent, strong dependence on him; insignificance of the problem. In addition, such a way out of the conflict is caused by significant damage received during the struggle, the threat of even more serious negative consequences, the lack of chances for another outcome, pressure from a third party. Avoiding a solution to a problem, or avoidance, is an attempt to leave the conflict at a minimum cost .The avoidance style is recommended to be used in the following situations: v the source of disagreement is unimportant for the party compared to other important tasks, and therefore they believe that it is not worth spending energy on solving the problem; v the parties want to buy time to study the situation and obtain additional information, before making any decision;v it is dangerous to try to solve the problem immediately, since open discussion of the conflict can only worsen the situation;v one of the parties knows that he cannot or even does not want to resolve this issue in his favor. Cooperation is considered the most effective strategy behavior in conflict. It assumes that opponents are focused on a constructive discussion of the problem, viewing the other side not as an adversary, but as an ally in the search for a solution. Most effective in situations of: strong interdependence of opponents; the tendency of both to ignore differences in power; the importance of the decision for both parties; ease of the participants. The combination of strategies determines how the contradiction underlying the conflict will be resolved. Depending on the chosen strategies, it is possible to resolve the conflict through forceful pressure (concession by the opponent) or through negotiations (compromise or cooperation). So, let's look at the conclusions that emerged from the three articles.1. The core of any conflict is contradiction. It reflects the conflict of interests and goals of the parties. The struggle going on in a conflict reflects the desire of the parties to resolve this opposition, usually in their favor. During the course of a conflict, the struggle can fade and intensify. To the same extent, the contradiction fades and intensifies. However, the problem of conflict remains unchanged until the contradiction is resolved.2. Interpersonal conflict is a contradiction that arises between people in connection with the solution of certain issues of social and personal life. In a conflict, one of the parties demands or expects a change in the partner’s behavior, thoughts or feelings.3. The problem of identifying the causes of conflicts occupies a key place in the search for ways to prevent them and constructively resolve them. Without knowledge of the causes of conflicts, it is difficult to count on their effective regulation. Factors and causes of conflicts are objective-subjective in nature and can be defined into four groups: 1) objective; 2) organizational and managerial; 3) socio-psychological; 4) personal.4. Ending a conflict means ending it for any reason. The main forms of ending a conflict are resolution, settlement, attenuation, elimination, and escalation into another conflict. The outcome of the conflict is the result of the struggle from the point of view of the parties and their attitude towards the object of the conflict. The main criteria for constructive conflict resolution are the degree to which the contradiction is resolved and the victory of the right opponent.5. Among the conditions for constructive conflict resolution are: cessation of conflict interaction, search for common goals and interests; reducing the opponent’s negative emotions; objective discussion of the problem; taking into account each other’s statuses (positions); choosing the optimal conflict resolution strategy.6. The main strategies for resolving conflict are competition, cooperation, compromise, accommodation and avoidance. Depending on the chosen strategies, it is possible to resolve the conflict by force (concession by the opponent) or through negotiations (compromise or cooperation).7. Reducing the number of conflict situations – serious