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Changing a job is always an exciting event. You need to try to show yourself as a skilled specialist, win the trust and respect of your superiors and at the same time establish good relationships with the team. What will your new colleagues be like? What traditions does the company have? How will a newcomer be received? There are certain rules of behavior, thanks to which you can quietly and within a short time become part of the new team. So: 1. Find yourself a mentor. Usually, the boss asks an experienced colleague to teach the newcomer the basics of the job, tell him about the company rules, and cope with adaptation. Listen carefully to what your mentor says and follow his advice. Most likely, he will talk not only about work issues, but also about everyday issues: what you can do if there is no work at the moment, how best to behave with other employees, how the company celebrates holidays. It is from him that you will learn about the character of your colleagues and the “quirks” of your superiors.2. Make contact first. It is possible that the team will not immediately accept a newcomer. This happens especially often when a new person takes the place of a departed employee who was respected and loved by many. At first they will look closely at the stranger. Don’t expect any special manifestation of care and love towards yourself, make contact first. Ask questions, join in the discussion. Contact your colleagues on work issues and show with all your appearance that you recognize their authority. The main thing is not to sit unnoticed in the corner. Otherwise, it may happen that you will remain there.3. Use your lunch break. A break is the best time to build relationships with colleagues, make friends, and show off your talents, if you have them. Observe how the team spends lunch time: whether they gather together at the table, go to a cafe, or communicate. Bring something tasty from home and treat your colleagues.4. Accept traditions. Every established team has its own traditions and, of course, it is not for a beginner to change them. It is possible that the department where you now work is accustomed to widely celebrating birthdays and going to football games on weekends. Follow the dress code if the company has one. Do not refuse to participate in corporate events - this is where you can see your employees and boss in a relaxed atmosphere and better understand their character and habits. You can also make useful contacts there.5. Learn to fight back right away. There are different people in teams, and a new person may not have a very good attitude. It is quite possible that there will be ridicule, attempts to tease, and also assign other people’s responsibilities. In this case, there is no need to pretend to be a victim, snarl angrily and be offended by the whole world. Be calm, know your rights, and politely counter attacks. When people understand that you are polite and adequate, their attitude towards you will change for the better.6. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. A smart boss usually says that only those who do nothing make no mistakes. It’s normal for a new employee if he doesn’t understand something and does something wrong. The main thing is that you do not refuse to learn new things, try to cope with your responsibilities and are ready to cooperate. If you make a mistake, never say: “I was not warned, they did not explain to me how to do it.” With such phrases you are setting up your mentor.7. There is no need to compare. A person is designed in such a way that he is often not satisfied with his existing job, study, spouse, friends. But when you change your established lifestyle, what was lost begins to seem like the best. You shouldn’t look for shortcomings in your new job and remember how great it was in your previous place. If you left there, it means that it didn’t suit you after all. Time will pass, and, most likely, you will find your advantages in a new place and in a new position.