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From the author: The conflict between guilt, a sense of duty and a truly feminine desire to enjoy every minute of life is a classic experience of every modern woman. The conflict between a sense of guilt, a sense of duty and a truly feminine desire to enjoy every minute of life is a classic experience of every modern woman. For most Western women, life is filled with a lot of responsibilities and urgent matters: at home and at work. Everyone knows that a woman’s life has ceased to be a woman’s life. It has turned into a “female arms race”, which is imposed by an increasingly demanding outside world... Who is to blame? Is it possible to get out of the vicious circle of responsibilities to truly feminine contemplation, the slow passage of time - in full accordance with the life of nature? Is it possible for a modern woman to return to the world of quietly waiting for her betrothed - at the window behind the embroidery hoop?.. Or should we still admit that quiet female happiness is irrevocably a thing of the past? There is experience, and it shows that no one is to blame, and female happiness quite possible! If the personality of a modern woman is correctly balanced, and this means, if her masculinity well protects her femininity, then rest and employment are balanced on the scales. But one more point is very important - if in the very nature of the feminine we establish the correct balance between internal functions of a queen and a maid - a woman will be able to distribute her time, energy and activities in such a way that the female “contemplation at the window” easily returns to everyday life! Let us remember: Cinderella got to the ball not only thanks to the carriage and beautiful attire given to her by the Fairy Godmother, but and - thanks to those mice that sorted out the beans, those squirrels that whitewashed the walls, and those hares that weeded the beds! By the way, after this, “the roses grew on their own,” which is no longer surprising. So, dear Cinderellas, where are our natural internal helpers – mice, squirrels and hares? And, by the way, how is the Inner Fairy feeling? In initiation therapy for male and female maturity (www.inits-terapiya.ru) on this topic there is a very useful initiation exercise “Royal Chambers and Animal Farm”. This exercise allows you to make friends between women's royal ambitions and the everyday responsibilities of a woman! All you have to do in a secluded environment is to divide the room in half with any visible symbolic boundary (small objects, a ribbon, a mobile phone), giving one half of the room the meaning of “Royal Chambers”, and the other – “Animal Farm”. After this, you can physically slowly walk with your feet on each of the these “halves” in turn, now approaching the border, now moving away from it, and carefully monitor what bodily and emotional sensations arise during this process. Perhaps a specific image will appear - who you felt like in the chosen space of the room. Then it is worth determining your attitude to the opposite space, which is located beyond the symbolic border. For example, if you felt like a princess or queen on the territory of the “Royal Chambers,” then it is important whether you see “Animal Farm” and how you perceive it, and vice versa. The main thing in this initiation exercise is to stand at the end on the border - with one foot in the “Royal Chambers”, the other in the “Animal Farm”, to feel your bodily, emotional reactions, and also whether a single, integral image arises. By doing this exercise in for three or five days in a row, you can see the desired changes in your female life - the change of work and rest becomes more regular, and relaxation becomes more intense and deep, full of women's favorite activities, women's pleasures and events. For some women, after such work on themselves, the well-known “home revolution” became possible - inviting a house help from a professional agency! Many women, periodically making the “Royal Chambers and Animal Farm” initiation, notice that the desired female life with its pleasures and joys - in their hands! You just have to shake your head and look in her direction…