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Divorce is a serious and difficult decision in anyone's life that can lead to many worries and emotional difficulties. However, when a relationship is in a state of disintegration, it is often much better to separate and start a new chapter than to continue to deceive yourself and suffer. In this article, we will look at how you can understand that it is time to separate from your partner. No mutual understanding One of the first signs that something has gone wrong in a relationship is a complete lack of mutual understanding. If you and your partner can't figure out how to know each other's wants and needs, then you probably won't be able to have a healthy relationship. A good relationship is based on mutual understanding and when it is not there, it is a sign that it is time to think about divorce. Mistrust Mutual trust is one of the main stones on which strong relationships are built. If you cannot trust your partner and constantly suspect him of cheating, then this may be grounds for divorce. A good relationship must be based on mutual trust and respect, and without this it will be unstable. You do not feel safe and secure Another sign that it is time to get a divorce is that you do not feel safe in the company of your partner. If he begins to threaten you or your personal safety, then this is an absolute reason to leave the relationship. You do not feel satisfied If you do not like living together with your spouse, and the feeling that you are living in captivity or in a prison, then this may mean, that you are on the wrong path, and relationships no longer bring you satisfaction and joy. Relationships should bring pleasure and joy, this is the basis of maintaining mutual love. You feel that you no longer love your partner When a woman feels that she no longer loves her partner, then this can be a clear sign that it is time to get a divorce. Lack of love is a serious sign that a relationship cannot continue. Feelings turn into anger and resentment. Sometimes conflicts, misunderstandings and resentments arise in relationships, and if we cannot be resolved, they accumulate and lead to destructive results. When feelings turn into anger and resentment, it may be a sign that it's time to get a divorce. You feel like you've become different people If you feel like your partner and you have become different people and you no longer find common ground as easily, then this is a serious sign that you may be breaking up. If your partner stops understanding you and you can't find a common language, then this may mean that you have grown in different directions and the relationship can no longer continue. Lack of Interest in Each Other If you and your partner are no longer interested in each other, then this could be a sign that it's time to break up. If you become just housemates and don't pay attention to each other, then this is a sign that the relationship cannot continue. Worrying about other people If you feel that you are more interested in other people and you constantly think about what it would be better to be with someone else, then this may mean that you should divorce your partner. Conflicts that cannot be resolved Finally, if you are still having conflicts and problems and you cannot resolve them together with your partner, then this could be the main reason for divorce. When a relationship ceases to be useful and does not bring pleasure, then it is time to forget about it and start a new chapter in life. Every person is responsible for his life and for his relationships. If you feel it's time to get a divorce, you should make a decision based on your feelings and needs. Strong relationships are based on mutual respect, love and understanding, and when these factors disappear, then it’s time to start a new life. Svyatoslav Anatolyevich Zalessky - crisis psychologist, EMDR specialist, member of the all-Russian professional: +7 (977) 838-33-68