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Since childhood, we have been in contact with our social environment. However, for some people, communicating with others can be a source of problems. Even if we do not take into account severe cases that require treatment (for example, social phobias, when a person cannot leave the house at all and is afraid of any social contacts), there are still many people who face their difficulties in the field of social interaction. And in psychological practice Quite often I work with just such clients, because it is precisely because of this fear of communication and lack of self-confidence that a person finds himself completely alone, even being very attractive and with a normal (and even high) IQ! For example (real cases from practice): Some of them There is no way to defend their interests, even if they are right. The latter cannot express their feelings in a way that their partner can understand, as a result of which they become more and more withdrawn into themselves. They become a “person in a case” and are offended by the whole world. Still others cannot establish contact at all with people they would like to meet, and are not able to build social relationships. Some are overly tactful, afraid to object or offend, to say “no” in response to a request or demand, and end up in the position of gray donkeys on which everyone “carries water.” There are several ways that can help you master communication skills and self-confidence:✅1. Training. The more you communicate with people, the easier it will be for you to do this. Try setting goals that include meeting new people.✅2. Understanding that everyone has fear. Don't be embarrassed to admit to yourself and others that you are nervous. Most people feel afraid of socializing, but that's normal.✅3. Prepare questions and facts about yourself in advance. If you know that you will have a conversation with someone, analyze what you can talk about and what questions you can ask.✅4. Expanding your social circle. Find people who share your interests or hobbies and try to become part of their community.✅5. Positive thinking. Make sure your self-worth is not dependent on the outcome of the situation. Every situation is an opportunity to learn and grow.✅6. Physical training. Imagine that you are communicating with the person to whom you are giving a gift. Your body and facial expressions should be calm and confident, because you give pleasant emotions. Start small, try to apply at least one of the methods listed above every day, and after a while you will feel that you have become easier and more confident in communicating with other people . There is always an opportunity to contact a competent psychologist and practice confidence skills and effectively increase self-esteem.