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“I don’t regret anything…” Hello! We live, grow and are brought up in a rational world and from childhood we have learned that “everything must be done correctly” and we do it, although and sometimes an inner voice quietly asks for something. Who is it there, inside, asking? Remember, I already wrote about this... “draw me a lamb!”... https://www.b17.ru/article/310161/Yes, the inner voice is sometimes far from correct and internal desires are difficult to explain rationally, as they once were For a long time, our parents explained them thoroughly and categorically to us little ones. Well, for example, “I have no time for lambs - I have no time to draw!” or the notorious “no money!” And it’s true, it was easier for them to refuse, tired, sometimes confused and not knowing what to do, than to admit to a child their own inadequacy and discover that they are not God in themselves. It was easier for them to say “you can’t!” than to simply say “you know, we are going through difficult times now, but then, over time, everything will get better.” And it’s not necessary to draw a lamb if you don’t know how, but at least a box. Strange The thing is, adults, as children, show miracles of ingenuity, and when they grow up there aren’t enough of them even for a drawn box. But our inner child has not disappeared anywhere and the worse it is for us, the worse it is for him, and no one will make him happy for us. Grow an inner child a caring parent for the inner child, to heal, if necessary, both him and the crippled female/male nature. No one will do this for you! Only himself! This is your life! If you are alienated from feelings, desires, emotions, body, you are a walking corpse. This is not life - existence. It’s easier to exist, because there’s less responsibility, but how boring it is... undead. This is YOUR life! Do you know what this means? This means that she belongs to you and you are her master, as well as the master of your body, emotions, desires. Often people wait for someone to come into their life “and then...”. No, no one will come and do it for you and for you until you take responsibility for yourself. You think that being responsible is something from the category of “don’t waste money”, “you can’t pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty” “or “don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask.” Only this works for some, but for others it doesn’t, because he has different attitudes (a different faith) - the one he creates himself. Everything is in our consciousness and in order to manage life, we need to realize everything that has accumulated in the unconscious and subordinate it to consciousness. Create your own settings! Dear women, in sync with Liliya Levitskaya (her article - https://www.b17.ru/article/318764/ #c3556567) I’ll say, first learn to love and pamper yourself, don’t wait for a prince, but raise him inside - to become a monarch, and only in this case will you receive an attitude worthy of a queen. Give yourself, including irrational desires! Well, for example, change the situation . Yes, the coronavirus has closed many doors for us, but the doors to your heart open with your key. Organize a small holiday for yourself, a miracle without leaving your city, at least for a day, and insist on your point despite different voices. Believe me, you will hear a lot , there within yourself. There is a lot of disapproval, reproaches, doubts about the correctness of the action, BUT if you take a risk, then at a minimum you will give yourself a resource, which means energy for the future, and at a maximum you will finally change your attitudes, shift your consciousness to a new level and, perhaps, meet new people! One of these days I turned 42 and one little girl whispered to me that she wanted to relax in a beautiful place. I had brushed off her requests for so many years, sometimes feeding her with purchases, but this time she wanted something special! And we went to Venice)). Not as far as you think. Without leaving St. Petersburg...A hotel room in your hometown with the beautiful name “Venice”, a four-poster bed, an evening by the fireplace and a pleasant atmosphere…. And then, upon returning - guests, congratulations and flowers and joy instead of former fatigue and a renewed ability to hear - to hear that same voice among hundreds of other prohibiting and condemning voices. The princess is happy and content! And the queen.