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Aggression is a self-accumulating automatic instinct that cannot be turned off. It has different accumulation rates and reservoirs. Your tank may overflow, it may not hold, but if you understand the mechanics of your instinct and regularly actively do something for emotional and physical relief, then your aggression will always be under control. Only you yourself can understand the volume of your reservoir by observing yourself: how often and under what circumstances do you get wound up, experience tension, boil and explode. You will not need to do any special things that disrupt your usual way of life, these should be regular actions that contribute to the release of accumulated energy - physical activity, creativity, sex, bright resonant emotions, cooking, etc. If you do not release aggression (preferably not discharge in an environmentally friendly way), then the surge will occur without your knowledge, and you will not be able to control the situation. If aggression has still accumulated, in order to maintain physical and mental health, it is necessary to correctly complete the stress cycle. And here it is necessary to know your instinctive physiological reaction to stress - “fight, flight or freeze.” The attack reaction is caused by the production of the hormone norepinephrine, the flight reaction is caused by adrenaline, and the “freeze” command is caused by an excess of cortisol. A violent response to aggression leads to an escalation of the conflict, flight provokes persecution, and freezing puts a person at the mercy of the aggressor. To act effectively in a stressful situation, you must adhere to the following rules. The first step is to break the rigid “stimulus-response” connection, which will require taking a break. It’s enough to take a couple of breaths, switch gears, and laugh to reduce the level of hormones that dictate behavior patterns. Having regained control over your body, it’s time to “turn on your head.” This is the second step. At this stage, you need to ask yourself questions: “what is my goal, what do I want to achieve and what result should I achieve?” And only the third step should you take action: face the danger, fight back the offender, retreat or ignore the threat, recognizing it as insignificant. Most likely, the reaction at this most important third step will differ from the one that the hormones “dictated.” What to do if your reaction to stress is “hit”? If you are at home, lock yourself in a room and scream, you can use obscene language; beat the pillow, the pear; exercise (strength training, where you need to exert yourself, is good). If you are in the office, warn your colleagues how you will relieve the flared tension - throw a ball at the wall, throw a dart at the darts, hit the table with a fountain pen, throw papers at the wall or kick an ottoman, etc. The main thing is to remove stress from the environment in an environmentally friendly way (without harm to others). tension in the body. Otherwise, it will turn into auto-aggression or psychosomatics. But the most effective way is to learn to express aggression assertively, environmentally and, most importantly, verbally. If your response to stress is “run.” Apologize to your colleagues and leave the room, walk down the corridor. If possible, jog or do short, intense runs, such as 100 meters. Then get back to business. If you have a “freeze” reaction at the moment of aggression, ask your colleagues for silence or leave the office for 5 minutes, breathe, focusing on the sensations in the body, meditate to relaxing music, slowly drink water, do a soothing self-massage or stretching. You can use all the ways to end the stress cycle by combining them. Aggression is a powerful energy that can be directed both towards creation and destruction. How to use it is up to you.