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Millions of people in this world one day come to the conclusion that two completely different people live inside them. And their general mood, actions and words are determined only by whose voice is louder at the moment. Sometimes for weeks someone grumbles in their head: “You’ll overstrain yourself... Where are you going... Don’t call... Don’t go... It won’t work out.” And it closes the flow of creative energy. You wonder: “Where did that optimist who talked about millions in income go?” And while you are driving away the “grumpy voice” and trying to find the “optimist,” your luck and happy chance are already dissolving into the past. Didn't have enough strength... If there is a certain “hole” or “dissatisfied voice” inside you, then you will always lack energy to move forward. Alas, “surgery” is powerless here, but the ability to negotiate and be friends with yourself will be very useful. If you can combine “+” and “-”, you will get a full-fledged battery and a constant source of strength. To do this, it is important to find the creative and inhibitory parts of yourself, make friends with each other and accept them as a single whole. We will use special equipment. And we will do it together with Tatyana M., 22 years old, a student from Moscow. The girl complains about heavy workload at the university and at work. The session is on the verge of failure, but she doesn’t have the strength to force herself to sit down with her textbooks. Close your eyes. Relax. Imagine that part of your personality that wants to act, achieve success, and enjoy life. What does she look like? Tatyana: This is a very cheerful, confident, free girl in a convertible. She sings loudly and rushes along a straight sunny road. Imagine what that part of your personality looks like that interferes with your actions to achieve success. Tatyana: A sad, scared girl, shriveled from the cold. She wrapped her arms around her knees, buried her face in them... as if hiding from everyone. Send a stream of gratitude and love to the second image (the blocking part). Tell her that she can rejoice and have fun, you will not punish her, frighten her, insult her, but have the best feelings for her and wish her well. Tatyana: When I turned to my frightened girl, she shuddered, and it seemed to me that she -he'll run away. But I continued to speak her kind words, said that I love her, no matter what she does and how she behaves. I also thanked her for showing herself and teaching me a lot. Mentally, I covered her with a warm blanket and gave her hot tea. It took me a while to establish contact with her. But, in the end, my girl warmed up and believed me. Invite the second image to make friends with the first. Tell him that the more active part has a lot of energy and if you turn to it, it will help you regain your strength and feel the taste of life again. Your task is to unite them so that they act together and help each other. Tatyana: A bright, cheerful girl drove up in her convertible. The girl was delighted and ran to her. I have never seen such happiness from a meeting! It was as if they had found each other. So much energy from them! Oh... The convertible, the girl, the girl began to dissolve in the bright light. I'm starting to regret my inability to draw. It is beautiful! Warmth and strength emanate from this light. Wait... It's the sun! Of course the sun! Only it is not in the sky, but next to me, I can stretch out my hand to it... When the first and second images unite and form a single structure, invite the final version inside yourself. This could be the first image improved after “unification” or some new one that arose as a result of the transition of previous images to a new state. Tatyana: I extended my hand to the magic light and asked to always be with me. She said that I accept him and will take care of him and love him. It's a very pleasant feeling. The sun set inside, it filled me to the ends of my hair. I can’t believe it, but my strength has really increased! It was probably no coincidence that I saw bright sunlight. This is subconscious... In bad weather, especially in winter, I feel a loss of strength, whine a lot, have little time and!