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Let's imagine that there is a scale that measures the intensity of our energy state. From 0 to 2 - apathy, a state of "nothing", very low energy, no strength and no desires, depressive thoughts. From 3 to 4 - sadness, melancholy, lethargy, light malaise, low energy. it seems that “everything is bad.” From 5 to 6 - normal working condition, average energy level, negative thoughts alternate with positive ones. from 7 to 8 - high energy level, good mood, a lot of positive emotions. from 9 to 10 - a lot of energy, a state of euphoria, happiness, grace!!! 100% confidence in your abilities, everything is cool, everything is great, everything turns out in the best possible way!!! Energy state is related to our physical state. The higher the level, the stronger the immunity, the healthier the body. And vice versa. From 7 points, self-healing mechanisms are activated. With 9 points, healing can occur instantly. From 7 points a person begins to feel like he is the master of his life, from 9 points he has 100% confidence in this. He can do everything. Why? Because the highest level of energy. The wonderful news is that we have already been in all these states and know what it is. And we can reproduce each of these states at any time at will. And stay in it as long as we want. I offer two techniques for improving the skill of quickly entering the desired state. The first technique is used to train television announcers. The task is to read the poem “There is a green oak at the Lukomorye” at all energy levels. We start from scratch, enter this state, read a few lines, and so on increasing up to 10 points. We actively use voice volume, facial expressions, gestures, and emotions. Then, we read the same poem from 10 points to 0. Repeat two or three times. The second technique is acting. Imagine that you are an actor, and here and now you need to enter one or another energy state corresponding to your role. You enter this state and within 10 minutes you do your usual things, which is according to your plan. Next, go from this state to another and also live in it for 10 minutes. And so visit all states. A person who has the skill of changing his state can easily change his reality. I’ll talk about this in the next article. Success!!! And success is achieved only by those who ACT!!!