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My old phone, alas, broke. It has become neither beautiful nor functional. Only now I don't like him anymore. And over the past 6 years, there was not even a thought to change it. I fell in love with its appearance, and then I adjusted and got used to its functions. He was mine. Simple, understandable, special exclusively for me. Now, when it became impossible to work with it, I couldn’t get used to it, I couldn’t fit in, I decided to buy a new one. And here they are: doubts and fears. It is necessary to find one that looks like me, so that it is not overloaded with unnecessary, unnecessary functions. The most important thing for me in a phone is the ability to perform basic functions and have an ideal appearance. For a month, I looked at different phone models. Moreover, their cost was limited not because it was impossible to buy it, but because of my conviction that the more expensive and cool, the less reliable... And now I found it! It's simple, beautiful and seems to suit me perfectly. Now you can be sure that if there are no factory defects, there will be no new phone for the next, at least 6 years. Well, now what’s the point of all this touching story? I suddenly thought about market relations in love. After all, we all choose each other based on some parameters that are important to us, and then we “buy”. In quotes, because we do not buy for money in the literal sense, but for other things: attention, emotions, warmth, the presence of another nearby. Your partner can be compared to your phone. I loved my phone for a very long time, turned a blind eye to all its shortcomings, accepted it for what it was, I really liked it, and then at one fine moment, it seemed to me, it betrayed me, broke, and I stopped loving it. But if you look at it: it still doesn’t happen by itself. Lack of care on my part, it's been around a long time and it just wasn't meant to last that long. This is what happens to people when something goes wrong - you get offended, leave and take with you a deep feeling of resentment. But both are always to blame... And what is the phone’s fault? Let’s return a little to the types of relationships. There are people who change their phone almost once a month. Just a new model comes out: more modern, more interesting, more functional, you need to buy it right away. And it doesn’t matter that it doesn’t suit me (wrong interface, and many useless functions). My friends will be jealous, I will increase my status... With partners too. As soon as someone more interesting is found, you need to take it. After all, I am the best and I need the best. But how long should you look? This is what people do who have not yet decided exactly what they represent for themselves, what they mean to themselves, what they need. So they are in search of an ideal couple, a phone, a relationship, a house, a car... Just to be noticeable to others, to be liked, to evoke admiring glances. It happens that someone constantly changes their phone because they cannot find the right one. There is always something you don’t like: the wrong color, too heavy or too light, not comfortable, not enough functions, ringing quietly or loudly... And the person searches, searches, considers options, changes phones. People are in an eternal search for the best option. And it happens that very often a person compares his phone with the phones of friends/family/acquaintances: “and theirs is better (more convenient, cooler, newer).” And you definitely need to buy the same one, or exchange it. Your neighbor's grass is greener...And there are people who don't have a phone. They say they are happy. They do not depend on sudden situations, on emergency calls that require immediate assistance to someone. Even if they have a phone, such people do not have a panicky fear of forgetting it at home, they will calmly live without it during the day, and in the evening they will simply answer missed calls. Their life and the events in it depend solely on themselves, and not on a friend who called, who came up with something to do tonight. But they have a telephone and for some reason they need it in order to call a friend whom they have not seen for a long time, to hear the voice of a dear person. A telephone is comfort, convenience,».