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From the author: Many of us have children, but being a parent is an art, and most of you do not know how to be a parent to your child. Education is always a two-way process. When you raise your children, they unknowingly raise you. You need to accept this and not resist it. Your children are not your children: they are the sons and daughters of their own lives. They came into the world with your help, but not by your will, and although they are near, they do not belong to you - you can give them your love, but not their thoughts, for they have their own. K. Gibran 3 principles of education For success in relationships with children, you need to understand not only the child, but also yourself. Be aware of the motives of your actions: why did you punish him, why did you spank him, why did you yell at him and get angry at him... Ask yourself the question “why?” more often. and then you will know the true reasons for your reaction. Build your upbringing on three basic principles: love, understanding and explanation. From letters from my clients I am very concerned about the fate of my son. He has many friends who are registered with the police. My son is interested in computers and games, which he is good at. However, at the word “school” the child completely shuts down. I know that the formation of a child’s character occurs from infancy and the family environment plays an important role in this. Unfortunately, she was not prosperous. His father drank and became violent with all the ensuing consequences. *** What should I do? My son lies a lot and about every reason. By nature he is not conflict-oriented; in response to quarrels and moralizing, he simply remains silent and that’s all. Or he's lying. Because of this, relations in the family are very strained. Sometimes it feels like I'm talking to a wall. The main task of parents The main task of parents is to see in the child his abilities, talents hidden somewhere in the depths, to help the child open up, manifest himself and allow all the best in him to come true. But many parents do not know what the potential inherent in the child is from birth. Many people subordinate their children to themselves and want to realize in the child what they themselves have not achieved. And they see their task in a completely different understanding, different from the correct one. From a client’s letter In my understanding, being a parent means providing the child with as much as possible: comfortable housing, good nutrition, necessary clothing, providing conditions for study, creating some kind of springboard for independent life. Unfortunately, the child does not always accept this desire of the parents. I myself have analyzed the mistakes made in raising my youngest son more than once. The most important mistake was that instead of raising him and attracting him to the house, she tried to reason with him, re-educate him and return her husband - the father of the children - to the family, hoping for the understanding of the children and their support, which, in general, for some time with them there were sides. How can astrology help? Astrology is indispensable for proper upbringing: it shows us the different individual personality traits of a child and helps us look at his character objectively. A horoscope provides complete information about the strengths and weaknesses of a child. Most of us are accustomed to thinking that astrology and raising children are unrelated things; in fact, this is far from the case. It is astrology that helps us understand the behavior of children, why some want this and others want something completely different, why children are either damn capricious or so sweetly obedient. Could you please analyze my son's astrological chart for any predisposition to any kind of crime? How to find a common language with him and help him take the right path? Consultations and seminars for parents I provide individual consultations and seminars for those who do not know how to properly raise their children, for those who want to understand their children, raise them in a harmonious environment and raise them happy and healthy. You will get rid of fear for the fate of your child , if you eliminate the reasons why in your family:# children get sick;# are capricious;# are rude to parents;#: 317284492