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1. If you personally, your family, do not have enough money, go to three jobs at once, work as much as possible.2 .Declare to everyone, your spouse, acquaintances, relatives in a loud, critical tone that you are the breadwinner of the family, you are forced, who else if not you, while looking expressively at your spouse. 3. At home, scream about fatigue, emptiness, blame it spouse and children. At the same time, have as sad a look and pose as possible. They must understand that they are the ones to blame for everything. If it doesn’t dawn on them, increase the sadness, add anger. 4. If you receive more than your spouse, be sure to come home with your salary, tell him how great you are, twirl a wad of money in front of him, show him with all your appearance that he is a loser who cannot earn so much. 5. Never ask or expect him to do something, when If you have a need, immediately rush to fulfill it yourself, the main thing is in his sight, if at first you have to snatch a hammer, nails, heavy bags from your hands, open the car door for you, etc. under no circumstances do not give up. 6. If you haven’t been given flowers for a long time, with a reproachful look and cynicism in your voice, shout about it at every opportunity - variants of phrases - you’re just crazy, where are the flowers?: you’re all assholes, didn’t you forget to buy yourself a beer?: I don’t care for you I don’t need figs, Masha’s husband gives gifts all the time, that’s the man! You’ll come up with the rest as your imagination goes. 7. When you wake up in the morning, start yesterday’s scandal or continue it by adding accusations of a bad dream, a ruined day, sum up a bad ruined life, lost years, and wasted youth. If he is still walking around the apartment, then you haven’t added more negative feelings and emotions to your voice, facial expressions and gestures. 8. Be sure to tell your children that their dad is a goat, an idiot, a weakling, a rag, an insignificant being, you must instill in your children that the reason for their lack of gifts, toys, entertainment, and the poor condition of their mother is their father. 9. Never, you hear, never tell him about your desires, that you feel good with him, never flirt with him, do not seduce him, do not flirt with him. 10. Under no circumstances wear seductive things around him, especially in the evening, walk with the gait of a tough, party communist and button up your pajamas, robe, tracksuit from heels to throat.11 .God forbid you tell him what you want, you want intimacy, even if you really want it, be silent, clenching your teeth, and pull the blanket over you from all sides, or better yet, go to bed separately, in extreme cases, if very strong desire, satisfy yourself. 12. Tell him, in front of him, what kind of men they have, describe better, more colorfully and roll your eyes dreamily, about their wonderful masculine qualities, abilities, about income, cars. 13. Repeat to him every time that he is a fool, an idiot, a goat, stupid, without you he is nothing, can’t do anything, doesn’t want, doesn’t know how and the like, boldly and immediately reject all his proposals, ridicule his plans. 14. Don’t ever think of writing him an SMS about tenderness and love, never call and tell him that he is the one, that you miss him, that you want to be with him, from him. At home, create an atmosphere of suffering, scandal, escalate the situation, carefully think through a plan for his arrival home from work, get dressed accordingly, put a mask on your face, speak briefly, clearly and clearly, like in the army. Under no circumstances ask how he is doing, his mood, thoughts, ideas, desires. 15. If a scandal has started, under no circumstances end it Until you remember all the incidents in his life, list him in as much detail as possible, with dates, details where he screwed up, flew by, was wrong, don’t miss a single detail, finish him off with sexual abilities. If after all this, he still holds on, doesn’t leave, increase the dose on all counts and, with female ingenuity, finalize the plan to suit your family. I believe in us. You will succeed! If you follow these rules, you will get results very quickly: scandals, betrayal, cooling, dead silence, divorce. Good luck !If you want something different in this!