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Neurotic control is characteristic of people with increased anxiety and those who lack a sense of safety and security. The brain really loves stability and predictability, so any force majeure becomes stressful for it. And some people try to avoid this stress with all their might. It seems to them that if they control everything, then nothing terrible or unexpected will happen. Excessive control creates the illusion of predictability and security. But at the same time, it forces a person to be in constant tension. Because trying to keep everything under control takes up a colossal amount of mental resources. How to get rid of obsessive control? To understand the problem, honestly answer a few questions for yourself. • Why are you trying to control everything? • What does this give you? • What needs are you satisfying? in this way? - For example, you calm your fears, reduce anxiety. - What kind of fears are these? What exactly are you afraid of? - Or maybe you want to show someone that you are a responsible person? - Who do you want to show this to and why? • What happens if you loosen control? Determine your area of ​​responsibility. Unfortunately, not everything in your life depends on you. You need to come to terms with this. No matter how hard you try, you can't control everything. Your area of ​​responsibility is your thoughts, emotions, actions and decisions. Everything else you need to learn to let go of. You cannot control the behavior and thoughts of other people, current events, the situation in the country, the weather, etc. Therefore, you should not feel guilty that something did not go as you planned. Try replacing your control with a “reasonable preference” setting. For example: - “I would like to control everything and do everything perfectly in my work, but this is not means it's 100% possible." - "I have to interview for the best company, but that doesn't mean it will be the way I want." - "I would like everyone to love and appreciate me, but this does not mean that this will be the case." How do you cope with hypercontrol? If the need for hypercontrol is so strong that you cannot cope with it on your own, make an appointment with a psychologist. Psychologist Anton Vyukov, 2022. Copying is possible only with the author and reference indicated to this site.1) My Course of overcoming depression, anxiety and neurosis. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/zeOIKp7OgGaX5g 2) Self-help for neurosis - 15 techniques for fear of anxiety. https://ridero.ru/books/widget/samopomosh_pri_nevroze/ 3) My courses for psychologists https://www.b17.ru/a_vyukov/#training2 4) Sign up for the cognitive behavioral group https://www.b17. ru/trainings/kognitivno-povedencheskaya_gruppa_/