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According to observations, people cope with the pressure of problems and stress in very different ways. Some people meet the challenges of fate with passion, and solving complex problems under constant time pressure only makes them stronger. Others are constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown. It is quite possible to overcome stress!!! I suggest learning techniques and methods of stress management. Actually, we have no choice. Because if you do not master these techniques at least at the everyday level, the results can be very serious: decreased immunity, hypertension, stomach ulcers and other psychosomatic diseases of the widest spectrum - from neurodermatitis to heart attacks. Bodily symptoms of stress are surges in blood pressure, palpitations, pain in the neck and head, heart, abdomen or back, as well as difficulty swallowing, a lump in the throat, visual disturbances, hot flashes (or chills), bowel movements, insomnia (or drowsiness) and sexual problems. Psychological symptoms of stress - anxiety, anxiety, depression, irritability, absent-mindedness, decreased concentration, disorganization. If you notice at least one of the listed signs, it’s time to intervene in your own life. Of course, there are stresses that we cannot completely remove from our lives. But we can significantly reduce their impact on our psyche. And we absolutely must do this in order to preserve ourselves and make our lives more balanced. One in which there is a place for family, children, friends, pleasures, relaxation and creativity, and not just work and responsibilities and, at the moment, survival. Rule 1. Control information flows You can and should control the flows of information that fall on you every day. It's about what you consume every day without even realizing it. The habit of listening to the radio on the way to work and watching TV at dinner, as a rule, does not provide you with any or almost no useful information, but quietly loads you with information junk, negative emotions, and other people’s experiences. If this is not part of your direct responsibilities, watch and read the news, limiting yourself from unnecessary negative information. Avoid television programs, talk shows and movies that upset you, not to mention advertising. Better yet, get rid of the TV at home completely. You will see how much free time and energy will appear just from this simple action. Protect yourself from toxic information that brings nothing useful except negative emotions. Rule 2. Avoid unnecessary communication We don’t even notice how much unnecessary emotional burden we take on ourselves every day. Learn to isolate yourself from unnecessary communication. Minimize contacts with random people in transport, public places and at work. Do not support empty conversations, especially do not react to attempts to offend you. Avoid people who irritate you. Or at least isolate yourself from their annoying influence. For example, work with headphones on, do not go to lunch with colleagues, some of whom are unpleasant or overly talkative. Don't communicate with those who criticize you. Don't let anyone cry into your vest. It doesn't add vitality. Of course, we are not talking about loved ones who need our support. Just clearly separate those who are dear to you and need you from those who are trying to use you. And don’t give the second the slightest chance. Rule 3. Don’t allow yourself to be drawn into conflicts. Don’t let yourself be drawn into disputes and conflicts at work or in public places. A very large part of conflict communication has now been transferred to social networks. Don’t delve into other people’s disputes and don’t let in the poison that oozes from online debaters. Pull yourself together and close this discussion thread. In a real dispute, simply refuse to discuss an unpleasant topic. There's nothing wrong with that. It’s worse if you have to respond to an aggressive attack out of duty. In this case, psychotechnicians will help. In order to maintain composure,you need to remain stable and not lose your support. Oddly enough, mental toughness starts with physical toughness. In psychology there is such a concept - “grounding”. If you are in a situation where people are shouting at you or near you, they are indignant, or showing verbal aggression, do the following: stand or sit as stable as possible, place the feet of both feet on the floor, feel the support. To enhance the feeling of support, place your palms along with your elbows on a table or on the back of a chair. Feel the weight of your body. Breathe evenly and calmly, do not hold your breath. Focus your attention on what is behind the other person's scream. What is the essence, the grain of the claim or conflict. Try to hear behind the emotions what the person next to you needs. Respond not to the emotion, but to the semantic component, maintaining a slow pace of speech and even breathing. This will help you isolate yourself from the conflict and not take what is said personally. Rule 4. Plan your time Manage your time. Then things will not be able to drive you into a corner and lead you to a nervous breakdown. Make a list of things you can realistically accomplish the day before. Leave empty “windows” in your plans to solve urgent problems that appear most often. Be sure to plan some rest during the day. A realistic, achievable schedule is an excellent way to increase confidence that you will manage to do everything, and therefore for internal comfort. While a person has chaos in his head, while he is grasping at hundreds of things at the same time, experiencing terrible stress from their failure to complete them, he has no time to think about himself, about relationships with loved ones, about life in general. Therefore, without planning, you can’t go anywhere. Whether it’s a crisis or a happy time, without a to-do list for the day, without dreams and desires, without completing unfinished tasks, it’s difficult to put your life in order and feel happy. Rule 5. Don’t take on an unbearable burden. Learn to give up what you don’t want. I can do it. Don’t take on extra work or take on a social burden. Dose out help to your neighbors and relatives. And try to mentally review the list of things that you supposedly have to do. Maybe you can delegate some of them to colleagues, relatives or others. Make up your mind, your well-being is more important! This way, you will stop feeling like a beast of burden and will be able to free up some time for yourself and your own desires. In the end, give yourself permission to simply give up some of the things. Who said you have to be perfect all the time? Allow yourself to relax a little. Rule 6. Prepare for a stressful situation in advance In advance, this means do not exhaust yourself in vain, take care of your mental reserve and your health. Prioritize your health before stress even occurs. No one is ever immune from anything, and a waste of strength, energy and resources is fraught with the consequences of being surprised by unpredictable changes. The use of such psychotechnics will help you: imagine what the worst possible consequences of your hypothetical failure are. As a rule, thinking about this, a person comes to the conclusion that nothing truly tragic threatens him. This means there is nothing to worry about. To achieve the same effect, I suggest using the “view from the future” technique. Realize whether this situation will be significant for you in a month? And in a year? Most likely, you will understand that everything is vanity and will begin to perceive the problem as a working one. Finally, try to honestly answer yourself what is truly important and valuable to you in your life. Does this situation really occupy such a big place in your life? Most likely, this will allow you to see the current problem as insignificant in the scale of your true values. It is important and very useful to solve a problem as a task. Rule 7. Come up with secrets for managing your personal world How to make your personal world more welcoming, cozy, joyful? The solution to this problem cannot be universal, everyone.+380973696598