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Chapter from my book: “Vitamin for the Mind” “Any teaching is like a raft: with its help you need to get to the other side of the river, but this does not mean that you need to drag it everywhere yourself." Do I have POWER over my life? It would seem like a strange question...of course, I have, who else? I choose where to go and what to do. I have already achieved a lot, a good job, good friends, etc., but for some reason, there is a strange feeling that the stories began to repeat themselves... life has become everyday, ... the days fly by one after another, as if the autopilot was turned on. I live as if according to a program and I don’t know how to change it, and it’s scary to change something, so at least there’s some kind of stability. Is this my program? Or it was imposed on me by my parents as a child, public opinion about fashion and lifestyle. A vicious circle, and that’s all. Do you have similar thoughts? POWER is a very emotionally charged word. All people react to it completely differently. For some, it has a negative connotation. Others are obsessed with power. How much power do you need? How much power do you think you have enough to develop? What does power really mean to you? I don't think of power as a means of conquering people. I don't think of it as something that can be imposed. This kind of power rarely lasts long. But you must understand that power is one of the constants in our world. EITHER YOU FORM YOUR OWN PERCEPTION OF THE WORLD AROUND, OR SOMEONE WILL DO IT FOR YOU. Either you act as you want, or someone else will dictate to you their plan of action. For me, true power is the ability to achieve desired results, and in the process, create value for others. Power is the ability, first of all, to change your own life, to make circumstances work for you, and not against you. Real power can be shared, not imposed. Power is the ability to control your own world - the processes of your own thinking and behavior, in such a way as to achieve exactly the results that you want. Imagine that you are given control of a huge corporation of 10 to 50 trillion planetary systems with an infinite number of workers, united in about 10 galactic complexes, working around the clock in about 5 interconnected and interdependent systems. What is the scale? As raw materials, this whole colossus consumes all types of matter that it can process. Plus information, sunlight, water and air, in other words, everything around you. And at the output it produces different types of energy, of a higher order compared to the consumed: electromagnetic, thermal, light, mental, which in turn serves to produce more efficient types of raw materials. And so this whole system evolves endlessly. Is this a perpetual motion machine? No, since the lifespan of this conglomerate depends on the balance of self-healing and regeneration, against self-pollution, self-poisoning and overwork. Do you know? We are talking about the human body. Which artificial organization could become the best object for practicing management skills? This is truly a great organization. Anyone who knows how to manage it responsibly can manage any family, commercial or government organization. Does your ear not catch anything in the word V-L-A-S-T-b? If we consider it in the field of IMAGES of the Old Church Slavonic language (our ancient language was figurative, that is, the letters were not just sound phonemes, but images with many meanings). Power from the word to own something, to be in harmony (V-LAD-A): (B) - to know, wisdom; (LAD) - harmony, order; (A) – arshin (defining measure). We get: order measured by wisdom! Or, in simple terms, only those who have power are able to organize and harmonize the space within themselves and around them. To be powerful means to be a builder and creator of the inner and surrounding world. Be responsible for your actions, that isact consciously. Therefore, POWER cannot be fought for, it cannot be taken away or conquered, and power cannot be inherited, much less bought. Power is a level of spiritual development that can only be reached by applying specific internal efforts to it, by applying willpower, as we call it. Of course, this has nothing to do with political power, which is exercised according to other laws. The ruler is not the one who puts pressure with his authority or capabilities, destroying and destroying everything that interferes with his path, but the one who promotes, implements, adjusts, taking into account everything something that already exists! The ruler is the leader! To lead others, a leader learns how to be a follower. To thrive, a leader learns how to live simply. Being open and caring is more effective. A wise leader is like a servant: receptive, accommodating, driven. It is a mistake to think that a great leader is superior to others. Paradoxically, greatness comes from knowing how to be low, to be a servant, to be empty and receptive. Why is the ocean the largest body of water? Because it lies below all rivers and streams, and is open to them all. What we call the art of leadership consists mainly of knowing how to follow your purpose, how to be led by it. A wise leader stands in the background and makes the process easier for other people. The most significant things a leader does go largely unnoticed. By serving others and being generous, a leader experiences wealth. By being selfless, a leader helps others realize themselves. Being a disinterested, facilitating beginning, unattached to praise or payment, the leader becomes strong and successful. Therefore, real leadership or power is always service! All this is in our native language, you just need to listen carefully and revive the genetic memory of your KIND! But the language of the people reflects their worldview, their way of life! Not knowing your language or simplifying it leads to the degeneration of the correct worldview, and therefore the way of life. And then the ability to control disappears! You have no idea how distorted our thinking is and how different it is from the thinking of our ancestors. The latter were characterized by a diverse vision of the world and an innumerable number of ways to respond to the surrounding reality. The thinking of modern man is “dichotomous” (literally “division by two”), it is built on the principle of “yes - no”. This type of thinking leads to distortions in the knowledge of the world and gives rise to a flawed culture, limited science, distorted forms of relationships and way of life in society. To expand ways of thinking, you need to change the “context” or ideology (morality), then the perception of the world will change. Conceptual principles construct thinking algorithms. Dichotomous thinking dooms all affairs and undertakings to failure and sets a hard limit in the development of science and worldview, and, accordingly, in the evolution of man and society. Using this type of thinking, people are easy to deceive, and Humanity is easy to control, leading it from one crisis to another. A simplified dichotomous morality paints the world in only two colors - black and white, without noticing the whole diverse palette of colors of nature. It divides people only into enemies and friends and is unable to make correct assessments other than the opposite: good - evil, bad - good, love - hate, war - peace. Therefore, dichotomous thinking gives rise to a rude attitude of people towards each other and towards the nature around them and deprives a person of the opportunity to create, thereby robbing his future. Moreover, dichotomy is not an innate, but a quality acquired by people that can be removed. It is high morality (voluminous or holistic) that expands our perception of the world and is the main weapon against dichotomy, as it forms open, multidimensional thinking. Everything in the Universe operates according to the same laws. There are not as many of these laws of life as it might seem, and they are all simple and universal. They are so simple that compared to.