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DEVELOPMENT OF FINE MOTOR SKILLS Two-handed games and exercises. Their goal: to synchronize the work of both hemispheres of the brain and improve hand-eye coordination. As a result, the child’s visual field increases, creativity is activated, and attention increases. “Okay.” This game is one of the first to appear in the experience of any child. If he is not familiar with it, teach him to play first in the classical version, but not only with his hands, but also lying down with his feet. “Drawing with two hands.” The adult takes in both hands and gives the child crayons/pencils/markers/brushes and draws simultaneously with both hands, the child repeats after him from the simplest - circles, sun, clouds, raindrops, house, tree, grass, fence, animals from geometric shapes . You can also paint with both hands any coloring pages, bas-reliefs, cones, cubes, etc. Any surface and format for drawing: old wallpaper, A3, A4, board, easel, etc. The smaller the child, the greater the delay in the development of graphic skills, the larger the coloring details and the larger the paper format should be. “Sorting with two hands.” Laying out beads, chips, coins, beans, buttons, mosaics and putting toys into a box with both hands. If it is difficult for a child to sort simultaneously, let him sort in turns: “Let the right hand rest for now, and let the left one work.” “Finger games.” Zheleznov’s musical finger games are very popular among mothers and children. Here are the names of some of them: “I want to build a house”, “There is a house made of logs in the forest”, “Spider”, “Ten Mice”, “Clock”, “Cheerful Mouse”, “Tom Thumb”, “U “our cat has ten kittens”, etc. It is also useful to “walk” with your fingers, tap, roll balls with each finger in turn, imitate playing the piano. “Beads” - stringing special or homemade large beads on a cord or thick thread. “Laces” A great variety wooden, cardboard, soft toys with holes into which you need to insert a string. “Dry sandbox” / “Sensory box”. Fill any large container, not very deep, (a basin, a container, a shoe box) 1/3 full with cereal (semolina/rice/millet/a mixture of them), then hide small toys/shells/pebbles/chips/buttons and ask child to find them. Some children will enjoy looking for and hiding toys, others will enjoy pouring cereal from one container to another. The previously mentioned buttons, mosaics, beans, as well as puzzles, games with wet sand, dough, etc. Appliques from cut or torn pieces of colored paper, from pieces of paper napkins rolled into balls. Learn how to properly tear paper with your fingers. Clay and plasticine. Modeling of figures. Cover an empty baby juice bottle with plasticine to make a vase. Plasticine paintings - smear plasticine over the finished sample on thick paper. Cutting out. The most important thing is that the child wants to cut. Perhaps at first he will hold the scissors with both hands at once. Take your time, find the lightest scissors. GENERAL MOTOR REPERTOIREStretching - special system. ex. stretching based on natural movement. The complex includes exercises aimed at optimizing and stabilizing the overall tone of the body. When performing them, there should be a feeling of gentle stretching in the muscles. Performing stretching helps to overcome various kinds of muscle dystonia, tension and pathological rigid bodily attitudes; optimizing muscle tone and increasing the level of mental activity. Stretches are performed slowly. “String”. The child lies on the floor (stretched out, arms together above his head, legs together), relaxed. One adult takes the child by the hands, the other by the legs. On command, they simultaneously, very slowly and carefully begin to stretch the child in opposite directions. They also finish stretching at the same time, gradually returningchild to its original position. The command is given to relax. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that in this “stretching”, as well as in all subsequent ones, an indispensable condition is observed: tension and relaxation should take equal periods of time. Be attentive and careful, act synchronously with your partner. Do not pick up your child's wrists or ankles. Don't squeeze your hands too hard. Make sure that your child does not strain during the exercise. If tension arises and persists, do not stretch further. “Reach.” The child lies on his stomach. An adult, sitting in front of him, holds an object, and the child reaches for it first with his left hand, and then with his right. Then an adult, sitting at his feet, asks him to reach the object with his feet - first with his left foot, and then with his right. “Puppet.” The adult performs this exercise for the child himself, as during a massage. With experience and maturity, the child will learn to do it himself. All rotations of the joints are performed in a circle inward, then outward - 8 times: 1) the adult rotates the child’s hands (one hand holds the child’s hand above the hand, the other holds the hand itself); 2) elbow joints (one hand holds it above the elbow so as not to rotate shoulder, the second - below the elbow); 3) shoulder joints (imitation of the movement of a swimmer's arms crawl forward, then back, the child's arms are straight); 4) feet (one hand holds the leg by the ankle, the other - the foot); 5) knee joints (one the hand holds the leg above the knee so that the thigh does not rotate, the second - below the knee); 6) hip joints (one hand holds the knee, the second - the ankle, so that the entire leg is in the same plane when rotating). Amplitude and radius of movement due to different elasticity All children's tissues are different. Therefore, make all movements carefully and gently. If you feel resistance from the child’s muscles, ask him to relax, distract him, and then begin further rotations. “Log.” The child should roll on the floor like a “log” (“sausage”, “roll”, etc.): 1) With arms and legs straight, arms pressed to the sides (“at attention”); 2) With arms and legs extended straight legs and arms above your head. "Rocking chair." Sit on the floor, clasp your knees with your hands. Rock on your back, rolling all your vertebrae across the floor. In this exercise, up to 5-6 years old, as a rule, the child has problems with holding his head. Then the leader (mom, dad) helps him by placing his hand under his head (at the level of the joint of the neck and the back of the head). “Basket” The child lies on his stomach, clasps the ankles of his legs, bent at the knees, with his hands from behind. An adult helps hold the legs with their hands and gently rocks the child back and forth. In this case, the child is in a position lying on his stomach, his head, shoulders, arms and legs are collected in a “basket”, the spine bends. “Stretches with a ball.” The child holds a small ball above his head and makes circular movements at the top. The child, standing and/or sitting, rolls the ball over his body from top to bottom and from bottom to top. Bend to the side and straight with outstretched arms holding the ball. “Hoop stretches.” Lower a small diameter hoop from top to bottom and lift it up. The child is in the center of the hoop. An adult and a child hold the hoop opposite each other and bend to the sides. Crawling "Partisan on his stomach." Crawling on your stomach. The child lies on his stomach and crawls on his belly as best he can. An adult monitors the correct execution of the exercise, focuses attention on the child’s problem areas and helps him. If a child ignores his legs when crawling, then he needs to crawl without arms. If the left or right leg/arm is ignored, the adult helps the child bend the correct arm/leg while holding the opposite one from moving. Methods of crawling on your stomach: 1) pushing off with your arms and legs, only your shoulders and head are raised, the rest of the body is pressed to the floor; 2) only with the help of hands, pushing off with both hands at once; 3) only with the help of hands, pushing off with each hand alternately; 4) only with the help of the legs (hands rest onback). "Partisan on his back -1." The child lies on his back, places his clasped hands on his stomach, and bends his legs at the knees. He must crawl to the target, pushing off with both legs at the same time. At the same time, make sure that when moving the child carefully and gently lowers the tailbone, head and shoulders to the floor. “Partisan on the back-2.” The exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but you need to push off alternately – first with your left foot, then with your right. “Caterpillar”. Sitting on the floor with legs outstretched and leaning on his hands, the child moves forward and then back, either bending his knees or straightening his legs. “Cat.” The child moves on all fours forward and backward (backwards). “Spider”. The child sits on the floor with his knees bent and leaning on his arms extended behind him. From this position, he lifts his buttocks, leaning on his arms and legs, moves forward, and then back. Games for strengthening hands “Hiring “nails””, some from the age of three hammer real foam nails and soil under the supervision of an adult, some use special children’s games “hammers”, construction sets (a cork board to which geometric figures are nailed and pinned )."Car"/Walking on hands. The child stands on all fours. From this position, the adult carefully lifts and straightens his legs. Holds the child by the shins or hips (do not hold by the joints), and the baby moves in his arms to any desired goal. “Hanging on the crossbar.” At home or on the playground, hang your child by the arms from a bar. The thumbs wrap around the crossbar in a ring. Be sure to insure your child against falling if the height of the bar is higher than his ability to reach it himself. If a child has very reduced arm tone, then it is better to start exercising after massage sessions. Don’t expect the child to hang for 10-20 seconds right away, start with 1-2 seconds. "Tug of war or tug of war." In this case, the main condition for adults is to measure their strengths with those of the child. So that when the child’s hands are suddenly unclenched, the child will not be thrown to the side. Games for accuracy and manual dexterity “Rings”. Throwing plastic rings onto a vertical stick. Start from a distance of 50 cm. “Towns”. You won't be able to play real towns with a stick in an apartment. But instead of a stick, a soft ball will do, which will “knock down the little towns,” i.e. skittles, towers of cubes, etc. In this case, the ball can not only be thrown, but also rolled. “Rolling balls.” Roll balls of different sizes to each other. With two hands, then alternately left/right, with each finger. “Rolling a hoop.” 1) The child rolls the hoop in front of him, intercepting it in turn with his left and then with his right hand; 2) a child and an adult roll a hoop at each other from a distance. “Edible and inedible.” You can just throw the ball to each other. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the baby puts his hands in the correct position when he is preparing to catch the ball. If your child is not interested in just catching the ball, play “edible-inedible.” For children under 3-4 years old, this game should be played with visual support on cards with pictures of food and objects or corresponding toys. “Basketball”. Throw balls, plastic balls, small soft toys, paper “snowballs” into an empty toy basket, plastic basin, hoop, either with your left or right hand. “Darts” in the form of balls or arrows with Velcro. For balance and balance “Heron” /Stork” The child stands like a stork, now on one leg, now on the other. At first the adult supports the child, then gradually lets go. Bring your ability to stand on one leg to a few seconds. “Top”. The child rotates left and right around his axis in a standing/on all fours/sitting position with bent knees and support from behind on his hands “Bag”. A bag of cereal or a light flat toy is placed on the head (standing) or back (on all fours). And the child must deliver the bag to the goal without dropping it on the floor. “Ball in a spoon.” A small ball or ball must be brought to the target in a spoon or strainer for).