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From the author: Did you really want simple instructions....? Then here it is. Sometimes angels need instructions too... At first I called this article “How I became a genius,” but I decided not to tease the geese. So, I burned the original text, and here is a completely different tale, restrained and as calm as possible, without any delusions of grandeur. But there is something left in him from the first option, so when you meet him, don’t be angry. Just look at me, be like me, and you will be considered a genius. It's simple, really... PRELIMINARY INSTRUCTIONS So, in order to become a genius, you must be born in Russia... For people there imagine that their people are more gifted than anyone else and are superior to all external humanity. However, residents of other places believe similar things to themselves, so... Before you are born, if you have not already done so, I would highly recommend that you visit our heavenly library where the universal wisdom lies, and not leave it for a couple of centuries... and then throw it away read out. You will forget everything at birth anyway. In addition, genius is not a set of truths, tailored in each age in its own way, but the ability to generate meanings. Brain power, not file size. Fortunately, this power is trainable and can be developed on earth. It is better to train your mind when fighting against strong partners. Some will live near you, others you will find on your bookshelf. But this is a strange world, down there: and for the same words, revelations and way of thinking in one century you will be lifted to heaven, in another they will be ridiculed and exposed as a dreamer, and in the third they will be burned without further ado. So, do not take anything with you, no heavenly blessings, no sacred knowledge, no golden keys to the secret door. Whatever you find on the spot, under your feet, is yours. Now, what should you do when you are born there... First of all, cry.... FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS Now, after you have cried to your heart's content, you must grow into an adult and try not to die, because they are dying like flies there. Yes, now they have improved medicine a little, but... But if, despite everything, you still managed to survive, take care of your education. I must say that you will be so constructed that the inclination to develop, learn and play will already be pre-invested in you. But how do you use it... Training can be different. What in one place and time is considered a success for a student, in other places serves as a pretext for flogging. Also, the teaching varies depending on what family you were born into and what you are being prepared for. Some are taught to be masters: to rule, decide and think with their heads. Others are taught to be slaves: to obey their elders, not to be clever, to follow the general opinion and to rely on norms approved from above. So, try to be born into a family of gentlemen, you will have more chances. But even among slaves you can become a genius... it’s just that everyone will consider you a bad slave. So then people will try to correct you. They will condemn you, shame you, write denunciations and punish you, and sooner or later they will execute you. If you choose to be born in the wilderness and avoid the unfortunate choice between master and slave, then the most you can aspire to is to become a brilliant hunter and herb gatherer. As they say, also a good option. But if you prefer to achieve fame in the world, or bring some benefit to it, you will have to become one of the people. Having come together, sooner or later they create a civilization, and this is exactly what you need. Civilizations there can be roughly divided into two types. In some, traditional ones, the teaching will be that you will have to memorize everything that your predecessors did. Let's say you took up philosophy or science. Then you will have to study for many years the sacred texts and commentaries on them written by the masters of the past. When you memorize everything and pass the exam, you will be considered wise. Then you will be able to write your own personal commentary on one of the classical commentaries, then another and another... and after many years you will be able to write your own commentaries on the sacred texts. And if you are very lucky, then many years later something you said will be classified as sacred texts. Maybe,you will even be considered a deity. If you choose to become a genius in the field of art there, you will have to copy the works of ancient masters for years, following the sacred canon. And only then, after many years... This approach makes sense, because it protects people from self-proclaimed geniuses who produce nonsense, bad taste and absurdity, and pass them off as fashionable modern art and timeless universal wisdom. Civilizations of the second type are based on the exact opposite approach. The only way to learn to swim is to get into the water and swim. The only way to learn to create is to start creating. Immediately, without preconditions, combining one’s own attempts, naive at first, with the study of the heritage of the masters. The passion for creativity will take hold, and true mastery will come with time. This approach also has its own logic and reason, and if you have to choose... Then most of the greatest things on earth were created by representatives of the second type of civilizations. Moreover, it only took them a couple of centuries. But they also created infinitely more nonsense. So decide for yourself which civilization to be born in. Now, after you have been born and have been trained, the main thing is not to get into some bad story, so that you are not killed or locked in a basement. And most importantly, do not get involved with bad company. The bad company for geniuses is not the company where they steal cars and use certain substances, or practice free sex, but the one where their creative potential will be constrained, oppressed and destroyed. Some of them are known as sects, others as religions and political forces. Their distinctive feature is that they contain people with whom they do not argue. Special beings who say the right things. Perhaps they will tell you that the desire to argue with them is a sign of immaturity, rebellion against your father, class immaturity, or a temptation sent by demons who have learned about your successes and want to seduce you. If you hear something like this, run immediately. Now that you have run far enough, check how the direct connection with your higher self works. With the part of you that remains here. After all, you don’t think that you will be embodied there, in the carnal world, entirely and completely, without a trace...? The world is unable to accommodate you, it will simply burn if such boundless power enters it entirely. So, you will be like a tree whose roots are up and its trunk grows down. Your root, basis and innermost essence will also be inseparable from our common essence, and manifestations will begin to sprout into the world, feeding with fruits... But it is not at all a fact that in your culture it will be described in exactly this way. Perhaps they will talk about connection with a personal genius or god, unity with the inner essence of things and the state of flow... Or they will create some kind of theory of superconsciousness. The main thing is that it works. And what words and theoretical constructs all this will be clothed in your cultural environment is a matter of little importance. I dare to assure you that each of the local cultures has its own practices and means to maintain and verify this connection. So, you don't have to take anything with you or invent anything on the spot. Everyone is already there. You simply open a channel, enter the flow, or whatever it will be called, and create brilliant things. They flow through you like tree sap... Just don’t forget to go back out later and turn off the light behind you. And bring to mind everything that they have done. Because genius is one-tenth part natural inclination and insight into the higher world, and nine-tenths hard work, perseverance and endless perseverance. Be persistent like flowing water. And that's all... LAST ADVICE And here's what else, since you are so impatient to become a person and live earthly life. Know that if you don’t take care of yourself, you may not like the way the world takes care of you. And then you will go to a psychoanalyst to get rid of the consequences of fatherly love and motherly caresses. So, if you are still here and not on earth, I kindly ask you to carefully choose not only your future parents, but also your future…