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How to understand whether a man has really stopped loving you or not? Is it worth living with someone who feels nothing but irritation towards you and missing out on your chance to be happy? Let's figure it out. Our body likes the state of falling in love, because when we are in love, we produce a whole complex of hormones, which together give an amazing effect: our mood improves, our performance increases.⠀After some time, the production of joy hormones decreases. This is an absolutely normal process. If you have the same interests, values ​​and life principles, the relationship will continue. But if there is nothing between the partners other than this chemistry, the relationship quickly ends. Here are 3 signs by which you can understand that a man’s love has passed and he does not want to continue the relationship: 1. He doesn't look you in the eyes anymore. Eyes can say a lot about a person. If a man has already fallen out of love, but has not yet admitted it, he stops looking into your eyes. After all, to hide the lack of interest in your gaze, you need either professional skills or nerves of iron.2. Quality of communication. If a man stops loving a woman, he will avoid communication so as not to reveal his true attitude. Even if you are talking, the quality of conversations changes: their duration is reduced, they become more formal. A man stops sharing his emotions. Communication becomes uncomfortable, tension appears. You feel the distance between you increasing. Even in gestures, the man seems to be fenced off from you.3. Mental callousness and devaluation. Your requests remain unanswered. Instead of sympathy - “It’s my own fault!” If a woman herself wants to help a man, then he rejects help. When a person wants to end a relationship, he tries to distance himself emotionally. After all, it is easier to break off a relationship with a bad person than with a good one. Therefore, a man begins to find fault over trifles and notice only negative things in a woman’s behavior. His psyche needs to somehow reinforce his decision to leave, like, “She’s not that good.” There is no need to draw conclusions based on one sign and panic ahead of time. For example, a man may behave this way for some time after a quarrel. And over time, everything will get better. But if this behavior persists for a long time and even becomes the norm, then maybe you should think about: do you need this? Why live with a person who doesn't love you??