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The life of any person is filled with negative situations that can pass unnoticed by him, but can have a strong impact on the psyche. So, in some cases, their influence is so strong that it can leave invisible scars inside. It is in such cases that a person receives psychological trauma. Psychological trauma causes changes in a person's behavior and in his reactions to various situations in his life. As a rule, a person’s quality of life noticeably deteriorates in this case. Psychotraumas are distinguished by the fact that they most often arise unexpectedly, in moments and under circumstances that a person cannot control, he is not ready for this. Another feature of psychological trauma is that it affects the human nervous system, while his physical health does not undergo noticeable changes. At the same time, the impact on the human psyche is quite strong, it does not allow a person to normally adapt to what is happening in his life, which is why there is a loss of control over what is happening. This gives rise to a feeling of anxiety and insecurity. Often psychological trauma is perceived as a stressful state, which is quite logical, because at such moments the psyche is vulnerable. Nevertheless, after a certain period of time, emotions subside, the consequences of a stressful state pass, but the psychotrauma itself does not disappear anywhere, it remains inside for a long time. This is due to the fact that the reason why a person was injured is of great importance to him , and quite strongly affects the psyche. The most common causes of psychological trauma in a person: - Personal tragedy (loss, departure of a loved one, violence, serious illness, humiliation in front of a large number of people, etc.) - Natural disasters, disasters - Conflicts associated with the use of force and weapons. Thus, events that negatively affect the life, safety, and health of a person can greatly harm his psyche. A loved one who is able to create a safe environment and provide support can have a great influence on recovery. However, working with a person’s psychological trauma on their own is quite problematic and often ineffective. It is best to work through such moments with the help of a qualified specialist. Sincerely, your psychotherapist, coach, interpersonal relationship specialist, Natalya Akhmedova