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Each of us experiences losses in our lives. We are losing family and friends, our pictures of the usual and seemingly stable everyday life are shattered. Any loss is accompanied by emotional stress, energy is spent on thoughts about the loss. Regret that it was and is no longer takes away vitality. How to support yourself? What will give energy for life? Joy! You will object: “How can you rejoice at loss and grief?” I will answer: “Rejoice at what was connected with those you lost. Remember the joyful things that happened before the moment of loss.” Important! No regret, no despondency, no suffering. Important! Remember everything that filled you with joy. This can be done with your eyes closed, listening to the sensations in your body. Find a place where it is pleasant, warm, light. This is where joy lives! - I feel warmth in my chest. Butterflies are flying inside me. Warmth spreads in the lower abdomen. It has become easier to breathe, say those who have found joy in their body. It is important to realize! Joy lives in you, and you have not lost it! You didn't break up with her. You can always feel it by consolidating these sensations. What have you lost? We’ve lost the familiar, we’ve lost comfort, we’ve lost expectations. Therefore! If the feeling of joy is in your body, then it is a constant source of energy. Rejoicing, you move towards life. Regretting and despondent, you stop in your movement and look only at the past. The choice is yours! A practical exercise that will allow you to express this joy on a piece of paper is simple and accessible to everyone. This exercise removes the fear of drawing too. Take a regular dish sponge. Cut it into pieces. There are as many parts as there are paints you will use. Open jars of paints; gouache and acrylic are best suited for this. Look at the blank slate. Listen to the joy that lives within. Dip the first piece of sponge into the color that your hand reaches for. Touch a sheet of paper and leave marks like this: (permission to publish the drawing has been obtained from the author) We agree that it’s simple! That each of us can do this! Look, this is with you forever! You will not lose it, because it is inside you. But it happens that this joyful thing is unknowingly painted over with black paint. I wish you to protect yourself and your joy from this blackness. During this difficult period for all of us, I offer an art course “Liberation from emotional tension" to everyone involved in the conflict who now needs support, free of charge. Art techniques for self-support are publicly available here. Attention! If you disable instant messengers, you can contact me through this website and telegram! Online consultations will be conducted via Zoom© All rights reserved. Reprinting an article or fragment is possible only with a link to this site and attribution.