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Very often there is a conflict in our soul, two parts (subpersonalities) argue. One says it should be done this way, the other says no, another way. And it can be very difficult to reconcile them. Has it ever happened to you: you woke up in the morning and didn’t want to get up. One part says, “Well, you can sleep for another 5 minutes, you’ll have time.” Another "No, get up, you'll be late." You decide to sleep for another 5 minutes. We slept for 40 minutes. We were late for work and received a reprimand from our boss. And if you are constantly late, you will have to go on vacation in November. Or maybe it was like this: you had difficulty getting into college. We passed the first session somehow. The second session has begun and it is difficult to study. And one part speaks. “Leave college, people live without higher education.” Another “No, learn, be patient.” You have decided to drop out of college. We found a bunch of excuses. 10 years have passed. You meet your classmate. He is a successful doctor. He opened his office. Nice car. And you ...? These two conflicts are external, temporary, conscious, usually caused by stress and end after some time, but are constantly repeated. But there are also internal, unconscious ones that last a lifetime and have serious consequences. Here is the story of one of my clients. His mother was a successful gynecologist. There was always prosperity in the house. She had many men. She only lived with her husband for a month - she kicked him out. Two children from different men. In her old age she lived alone. Didn't get along with children. She died and lay in the apartment for a week until the neighbors called the police. He had his first sexual experience at the age of 12, and has been living regularly since the age of 15 as clients of his mother. I never saw my father. Married three times, two children from different wives. He is 50 years old and lives alone, does not get along with his wives and children. He is suing his sister for an inheritance. His leading conflict is Oedipal. Lots of sex, but no intimacy. Women for him are only an object of sexual satisfaction. He hasn't learned to love. He didn't see how dad loved mom. In old age, loneliness awaits him, just like his mother. What other conflicts there are, how and what to do with them, I will tell you at the free webinar “Conflict in the soul - conflict in life.” Which will take place on August 21 at 19-00. If this topic interests you. Follow the link and register.