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Deepak Chopra writes about new thinking and attitude, but when you begin to accept them and integrate them into your consciousness, a whole layer of blocks opens up that prevent you from living happily and even lead to illness. Every day I tried to track my thoughts, make observations and write notes on how to live consciously and in accordance with the laws of the universe. I practiced the hardest thing: accepting others and understanding that we are all different, and that's great. When I wrote in my diary that I would practice the experience of non-judgment, people immediately appeared who needed to be evaluated and became mirrors of the request. The problem of interacting with other people is a central lesson that you have to work on improving throughout your life. Accepting the other person's choice and not judging it. The test with copper pipes is a deep test for pride, envy, criticism and the presence of grievances. All these qualities give rise to incorrect understanding and interaction with the universe, in addition to all this they worsen karma, that is, they spoil your life, many obstacles to achieving your goals appear in it. When you understand how everything works, you learn new knowledge, you begin to feel an advantage over those who who doesn't have one yet. This involuntarily brings you to the test of pride: “I’m so smart, but he doesn’t understand it,” or “why communicate with this person, he’s not at my level of development.” There are loved ones and relatives around us, and they are usually our indicators; they get the most from our experiences, from our problems and wrong thinking. The moment I decided to accept other people as they are, the tests of my acceptance began. A crisis in relationships with people manifests itself precisely in recurring situations from which you need to find a new way out. New solution. When three years ago, while on deep maternity leave, I met guests for a child’s birthday, I met them to accuse them of pursuing a career while I was raising children. My friends gathered are wonderful people who are self-fulfilling, self-sufficient and strong in spirit. I wanted to complain about my life, my husband, my unfortunate fate, and this was remembered by all of us. Time passed, and the situation repeated itself. These same people close to me gathered and again, suddenly, out of the blue, I began to complain about my life. It was strange. I suddenly saw that they were all in better living conditions, that their husbands loved them more, they had other material benefits, and in general they were luckier with their parents. My guests were dismayed. And just recently, a hidden resentment and rejection of another person’s reaction unbalanced me, I got sick, and then meeting those who, as I put it, live better and in general, sometimes you want to whine and become poor. These were old thoughts, stereotypes that needed cleansing, I needed to find other thinking patterns and form new connections in my head. I justified my behavior as weakness and melancholy, but this did not solve my problem. I began to look for what the reason was. When we say something out loud, or often think about something, our energy transforms and strives to realize any of our thoughts. The Universe does not discriminate, thoughts come without fail and are not assessed in terms of bad or good. Ultimately, if it’s bad, the results will be unpleasant for others, but most of all for yourself. If it’s good, then all participants in the situation will benefit, and the world will be enriched with experience. But why do we sometimes not control, or perhaps consciously accept, other people, their choices, their decisions, their behavior? Because we want everything to be my way, but this is only possible in the context of personal life; in the context of other people, you cannot want anything and decide for them. The deepest reason for the rejection of others lies in such vices as envy. She can wear several guises; in her book, Olga Valyaeva describes the indicators of envy. It was a gift to me and.