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From the author: This article was also published on New company, new people, new environment, meetings, acquaintances, communication, exchange of experiences, spending time together, other opportunities - this is certainly wonderful . But we rarely think about all this when we feel uncomfortable and insecure when joining a new company. Someone’s birthday, some kind of meeting, meeting your girlfriend’s (or your boyfriend’s) friends, the first day at work and other meetings with a completely unfamiliar team causes severe discomfort for many people: restriction of movement, awkward silence, avoidance of contact - everything this leads to even greater discomfort and this can continue indefinitely. Undoubtedly, it is important for what reasons such events as meetings, speeches, exams, etc. cause this kind of reaction in a person. This may be due to low self-esteem, childhood fears of public speaking, lack of communication strategies and experience, etc. But in order to really understand the reasons and find their solutions, you need to specifically, for a long time and qualitatively understand yourself. But what to do if the situation is already “on the nose” and there is very little time left - a couple of days, or even hours? This article may help you gain a greater sense of comfort and security in such situations. To create a favorable climate for communication around yourself, you should pay attention to a few simple rules: Be friendly and polite - when meeting someone, say hello and introduce yourself; Be restrained, but tactful - do not be silent if you can carry on the conversation, but don’t get involved in arguments either; When communicating in a new company or in a new environment, more often switch your attention to your interlocutors (what they say or do, how, about what, etc.) - this will allow Not only will you get to know your surroundings better, but it will also show your interest, which usually inspires more trust; Remember that the people around you are just that: people! And they are no better and no worse than you, because everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses. Relax - excessive tension causes a feeling of discomfort. And one more thing: take your time - it will take time to adapt, the main thing is not to become isolated yourself, but to be a person open to communication. However, it is not always easy to follow these rules. Often, fears, worries, anxieties and a number of other unpleasant feelings completely unsettle us at the mere thought of an upcoming acquaintance, meeting or some similar event. How can you calm down and not fail the event? In this case, I suggest you use the following recommendations: Take a talisman with you - something that brings you good luck. A talisman is an element of something reliable and familiar. By looking at him, touching him, or simply knowing that he is with you, you will certainly feel calmer. If you have the opportunity to be alone with yourself before a meeting (acquaintance or other similar events), then you can do a number of simple exercises - conduct, so to speak , emergency preparation for comfortable communication: Rub your palms so that they warm up and you feel both of your palms well. Warm, relaxed and sensitive palms will make your gestures freer, and your communication more contact and relaxed; Stretch your facial muscles - if you have a mirror, look in it and make about 10 funny grimaces. This will not only provide a rush of blood and make your face more alive, but will also lift your spirits, which is also important; Exhale completely, then take a deep breath with your entire chest, move your shoulders back and down, and as you exhale, relax and lower your shoulders. Repeat this several times. When we feel in danger, we automatically tense up and raise our shoulders. When we lower our shoulders and relax the shoulder girdle, we seem to say to our unconscious: “Everything is fine, the environment is favorable,” thereby reducing the level of».