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From the author: published on the website It’s terrible when you observe the depression of a loved one. He is sad and depressed, and you can't help him. This is heartbreaking! Day by day you suffer with him and try to understand how to lift a person out of depression. What needs to be done for this? The first thing you need is the desire of the person himself. Unfortunately, nothing will work without it: there is a special type of people who live through suffering and negative experiences. From the outside it may seem that they are eternally depressed: they constantly complain about their hardships, feel sad and sad. However, an attentive eye very quickly notices that these people somehow incredibly manage to “get high” from depression. It sounds incredible, but it is true. Each “sufferer” receives his own benefit from a depressive state: someone likes that everyone feels sorry for him and helps him, someone attracts attention in this way, and someone does not feel anything at all except negative emotions - so let them be better than nothing. I am glad that there are not so many such people. Periodic attacks of depression have probably happened to every person, and at such moments it is very important for someone to be nearby and lend a shoulder. And at the same time, he “pulled me out of the swamp of melancholy by the hair.” Well, maybe not “by the hair,” but at least somehow it helped ease the worries. If you have a similar desire, but do not have enough understanding of what needs to be done, be sure to read this article to the end.[/url]“Mental resuscitation”The desire to get a person out of depression usually visits us in those moments when our loved ones become very ill. . And here the question arises about what you mean by this: someone considers constant tears to be depression, others consider a sad expression on the face and lying on the sofa. Accordingly, the methods for getting out of depression will differ from each other in each case. It is not a fact that if a person cries a lot, then his tears need to be stopped. They are a signal of internal experiences and contribute to psychological relaxation. For example, in the case where a loved one has died, constant tears and conversations about him are the norm for the grieving person. The same is true in cases of divorce and separation: in essence, it is the same loss, only less pronounced and intense. Therefore, if you want to help a loved one who finds himself in such a situation, support him in this expression of feelings: let him cry or even scream. Tell him that this is normal and pat him on the head, because some people manage to waste energy on restraining emotional impulses that no one needs. However, in some cases, normal natural tears turn into pathological hysterics. It is impossible to distinguish them from each other in terms of time, because grief can manifest itself in tears a year or five years after a sad event. But this will be a single event, an act of longing for someone who has left this world. In some cases, people begin to use their grief as a tool for manipulation, and this is quite easy to see: tears and sadness appear in such a person whenever he has to do something, fulfill a promise, or take care of someone else. And he understands that if he just starts crying, they will immediately leave him alone. Such things should not be indulged, but this is not depression in its true form. The simplest thing you can do to lift a person out of depression is to give him the opportunity to talk. Many people suffer not because they have problems in their lives, but because they are unable to tell anyone about them. Communication with a friend is a way to get support, mentally respond to negative emotions, and also once again analyze life's difficulties in the process of voicing them out loud. Have you probably noticed that you feel better after you discuss your nasty boss or nasty “ex” with your friend? This happens to all people. But this only applies to everyday troubles. When it comes toWith more serious problems - chronic illness or death of relatives - a person may be irritated by returning to this topic. If your loved one is worried about some negative event, then searching for meaning in this very event will help bring him out of depression. Very often it seems to us that everything bad that happens to us is terribly unfair, that we don’t deserve it, and it destroys our lives. However, if you try to find meaning in any, even the most terrible events, this makes it possible to feel the ground under your feet. A person suffering alone will not be able to do this, so your help and a mind unclouded by depression will be very helpful. Here are a few more techniques for rapid psychological assistance. Refocusing This method works because during depression your loved one is concentrated on one of his problems , and you invite him to switch his attention. This is not difficult to do: invite a person for a walk in a park, forest or near a river - without any purpose, i.e. just walk. In the process, pay his attention to all sorts of details: the color of foliage, small animals, near and distant objects. The main thing is to overcome possible resistance associated with the reluctance to be distracted from your problem. Entertainment Yes, yes, banal positive emotions are an excellent cure for depression! Of course, it won't be easy for your loved one to get ready and go somewhere, but often it needs to be done. It’s best to choose an option where you won’t have to communicate with a bunch of people, meaning a party probably won’t be suitable. But watching a movie, going to the theater or flying in a hot air balloon can be sources of positive energy. Maybe you don’t even want to go anywhere: get together with your girlfriends at home, take your favorite girly melodramas and comedies, buy delicious food and popcorn - and you’re guaranteed a good evening. Buying an animal Animal therapy has long been used by psychologists to overcome various kinds of problems, including depression . Naturally, this should be discussed with the “sufferer” himself: perhaps he does not like animals, he has allergies, or he is simply not ready to take responsibility for another creature. Although numerous studies show that love and care for your neighbor can work wonders and improve your mood in a matter of days and even hours. Catharsis It’s cruel, but sometimes in order to get out of depression, a person needs to plunge into the depths of melancholy and sadness. Have you ever noticed that after watching a heartbreaking movie or reading a tragic book, your soul is illuminated with warm light and harmony? It's paradoxical, but it works. Therefore, if you are confident in a person’s moral readiness for such “shock therapy,” you can remind him of all the horrors and injustices of this world, cry over it together and move on. [/url]Long-term perspective Unfortunately, depression is not always a quickly passing phenomenon. And in this case, consultation with a specialist is most appropriate and useful. Not in all situations you can help your loved one yourself, and if you have doubts, then asking for help is a normal and natural process. This is especially true for prolonged worries about the loss of someone dear, as well as regular depression that arises out of nowhere. In some cases, a person suffers from attacks of melancholy and bad mood that are repeated with enviable frequency. They may be associated with problems that hang over a person like the sword of Damocles. And first of all, you need to find out what these problems are. A frank heart-to-heart conversation in a confidential atmosphere will help here. Or maybe you have your own suspicions about what upsets a person? Then they need to be voiced, but only at the right moment. If you have found the root of all troubles, then you need to try to find a way out of this situation. And here brainstorming will help you: come up with any, the most diverse and strange ideas, which you can then discuss together..