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From the author: Source: for www.sbs.su Author: Tarakanova-Yumina E. E. 2011. Let’s first summarize. This is exactly what is worth spending at least an hour and a half of your time on, don’t scroll through this page, it’s very important, believe me. Now let’s take a piece of paper and write on it a series of questions that we naturally ask ourselves: “Why am I unemployed now?” Answer this question honestly, just for yourself. You can look out the window and say this question to yourself. Wait for the answer and write it next to the question. Have you written? It’s difficult with options, then I can offer several options: 1. Fatigue, just very tired; 2. The journey to work took so long, it exhausted me very much; 3. There was no career growth. I did/did everything so that management would notice me, but no, it was as if point-blank they didn’t see my successes, projects, didn’t hear my proposals, they just constantly “poked their nose” like a kitten at mistakes; 4. Team. We had no cohesion, no team, just appearances in front of the leadership. Everyone was snitching on each other and the boss encouraged it. I couldn't see them anymore! 5. Salary. I have repeatedly looked at the income levels of relevant positions on the Internet, I clearly perform more responsibilities, but receive less; 6. No prospects. I just hit the ceiling.. 7. They made me redundant. Starting from August 2008, a wave of layoffs rolled across our country. A terrible situation when millions became unemployed! I really sympathize with everyone when I hear this reason, although one HR director once told me: “Valuable specialists are not simply given away to the labor market!” 8. The company closed. No questions for you! 9. The company is just a mess! There are a wide variety of variations here: busyness, delays in salary, management simply doesn’t care about their employees, etc. 10. ,9..continue yourself... So, let's hope that we have found out the reason for the dismissal! Fine! Let’s answer the following question: “Why did I even come to this company?” When we are looking for a job, we are primarily interested in several factors, I will list them, and you put them in ascending order from the least significant to the most significant: 1. Salary ( level) 2. Purity of payments (white/gray, on a card or “in hand”) 2. Proximity to home 3. Responsibilities performed 4. Career growth 5. Company stability 6. Opportunity to show your creative abilities 7. Team 8. Company reputation So, we’ve set our priorities, now let's discuss. What is the most important thing for us, for example, you are a young specialist with no work experience. Consequently, you are looking for a job where special knowledge or work experience is not required, which means that you should be prepared for the fact that all your expectations will go to waste, since jobs with requirements that, in principle, do not exist, are taken almost “without looking” and treated accordingly also. There are no guarantees of anything here. This is the reality and you have only yourself to blame for a bad salary, for its delay! Now imagine, on the contrary, that you are an expert in your field and have some work experience, own a PC, and even have the appropriate education and diplomas. You are naturally looking for a big salary, followed by career growth, so pay attention to everything! Where is the company located, does it rent or own an office, what is the direct profit of the company, how many years on the market, what are the reviews on the Internet, what former employees write about it . Also pay attention to how many vacancies there are in the company besides the one you applied for. Believe me, if about twenty people leave the company a month, it’s “not good” for a HR specialist not to “sing” to you. For her, you are, first of all, a vacancy unit that must be “closed” by the end of the “nosebleed” month. Well, if you were offered a vacancy in a “decent” company from all sides, you knew everything about it, and were ready to say with confidence, “I want to work here.” The reason for joining the company is directly dependent on the period of time,which you will work here!!! #I came to this company three years ago, right in the midst of the crisis, they hired me, which I was very happy about. This was not my profile, the salary was ridiculous, but I had no choice, I had to feed my family. You have now “waited out” the crisis and finally decided to find a job in your specialty, this is what the above example tells us, the reason for joining the company is a crisis, lack of money. Having answered this question, we move on to “Why did I leave the company?” It seems to you that the answer will coincide with the first one, no, this is not so. For example, we left the company because it deceived me in paying my salary, they are constantly delaying me, and paying me, it turns out to be “black”” much more than I was told at the interview , the reasons are objective, everything is ok. Reason for joining: stable company Reason for leaving: failure to fulfill the conditions of employment I left because I could no longer stand the attitude of management, I worked like a moose, didn’t see my family, and he put a new guy in my place. Here the situation is more complicated, how effective are you worked? Were your tasks really completed “one hundred percent” or do you feel that way? Ask yourself the question again? Compare answers Why is all this necessary? We need to understand by what factors we are looking for a job, by what factors we find it and why we are leaving, everything should fit into a “simple puzzle” Example: I was looking for a career, found a vacancy with career growth, left because three years later there was no one” Career + Career = Lack of a career (reason for searching) (reason for choosing a company) (reason for looking for a new job) Other options can be adjusted to this “equation”, but I can say that most often things will not work out so simply for you. The longer you work in a company, the more reasons force you to think about looking for a new job. This is just a help in identifying the reasons and nothing more! You should also pay attention to the reasons for looking for a job, not only after leaving this company, but what prompted you to look for a job before, the danger is that if the reasons are the same everywhere, then this is, as they say, a “clinic”. They can’t be bad everywhere to pay! This means you didn’t make inquiries in advance! Completely different managers cannot fire you before the expiration of your probationary period! You are not fulfilling your duties! BUT!!!! Still, I think it’s worth making a reservation about one thing, in Russia business is still built a little differently than in the West, there are companies that work on the principle “we’ll hire a lot of people” and of course, if you find yourself in them several times in a row, then I can I just feel sorry for you and remind you again - make inquiries about the company!!! “Word of mouth will save us”! Let's return to the job search, if, when you left one company, you only received a plus for another, that is, you were called for a promotion, for a higher salary, the journey home was no more than an hour, everything is fine. Well done!!! It is important that leaving one company for another always leads to a plus!!! For example, I decided to leave because I was offered a more favorable salary with a promotion to a position more suitable to my ambitions - a good answer! I had to leave because they gave me a hint that they were looking for a replacement - the answer was bad! It is important to understand the true reason for our departures in order to avoid them in the future! Ambitions from scratch are not “good”! They are only good if , if supported by successful projects and recommendations! High self-esteem like “nobody deserves me, I am, by definition, a gift for any enterprise” is a utopia! I still don’t know what I want in life... The answer is honest, but the search for a job can take a lot of time. Let's return to our questions: “Why didn’t management persuade me to leave?” Strange question? Your assessment of the situation is very important. Why are you such a talented advertiser, who made more than one video that “went with a bang” and brought real profits to the company in the millions of rubles, when you submitted your resignation letter, you didn’t even hear a “thank you”? How did it happen that you are a workshop foreman in the report card with constant overtime remained unnoticed even by the production manager and without looking at your statement,!