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As a child, many of us were tried to be directed in the direction that adults needed/seemed to be correct with the help of negative reinforcements. They pulled us back (don’t go there), limited our knowledge of the world (don’t touch the stove - you’ll get burned!). I'm not even talking about more severe cases. These negative stimuli are stored in our memory and in our unconscious, and begin to act from the inside, simply coming to mind when we try to do something. “You’re pouring too much powder!” “You’re doing it slowly!” “You’re doing it wrong!” Such Negative stimuli ruin our mood, interrupt processes, and keep us from moving. We have been taught to stop ourselves, pull ourselves back, scold ourselves. Do we know how to praise ourselves? Approve. Consciously support yourself. And it’s so simple! Tell yourself: I’m super! I’m great! However, in our country this is even condemned. Say in front of everyone: “I’m great,” and you will be reproached for excessive selfishness, arrogance, and condemned. Like, you need to be more modest. Of course, supporting yourself with a positive assessment is not necessary out loud. But are we used to doing this at least to ourselves? But this is important! Think how many times a day you say to yourself: “but I could have done this better,” “this is not quite right,” “this is where I messed up.” , “it didn’t work out”, “sorry, I couldn’t do it”, etc. How many times do you negatively reinforce yourself with such thoughts? And how many times a day do you sincerely, unconditionally and positively tell yourself: “I’m great!”, “I did it!”, “yes! I finished this job!”, “I can do it!” (the process is underway!), “I made it!”, “I’m super!”, “I did it, hurray!” etc. It’s good if in such negative and positive assessments of oneself during the day there is a balance or preponderance towards the positive. If negative assessments go off scale, then this is a reason to think: shouldn’t I support myself more? I’m making an effort, I want something, I’m trying to achieve something. It's worth rewarding yourself for the efforts you've made. Even if not everything worked out perfectly the first time, but I tried, I took steps. So why not approve of yourself for these steps! The one who moves in the direction he needs is much closer to the goal than the one who does nothing! And this progress already deserves praise! It is worth praising yourself not only for great achievements that can be argued and which from the outside really look like something significant, but also praising yourself for seemingly simple actions, but for which you had to make an effort. Right now. Do something for the first time. Do something faster than usual. In general, to do something that everyone else does, but I don’t, but here I did it. Or at least started doing it! It is worth praising yourself even when the result has not yet been achieved! Praise yourself in the process! This is a way to enjoy what you do…