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What are feelings and emotions? This is the energy of life itself, which passes through us every second, or, in other words, the states that we experience within ourselves and are called by various words - from joy and delight to anger and sadness. And the definition itself speaks of why it is so important to be able to correctly express feelings: if we don’t know how to do this competently, if our emotional intelligence is not developed, then we are not in contact with the very energy of life, and then, oh, we have serious problems. Types of emotions (feelings): In our life we ​​experience many different feelings: these can be positive feelings such as joy, delight, love, or negative feelings such as anger, fear, sadness. Each feeling has its own specific nature and reasons for its occurrence, and each one comes for a reason, but with a specific message for us. What, for example, does the feeling of hunger mean? That its bearer should go eat, otherwise there is a risk of dying of hunger. What does the feeling of sympathy mean? That's right, come closer! The feeling of antipathy, on the contrary, says, “Move away.” That is, feelings are not an atavism or a meaningless application to the mind, but a very wise signaling system that first reacts to situations happening to us, and only then the brain’s interpretation of what is happening and why is connected to them. Expression feelings. Expression of feelings can occur in various ways: through speech, body, breathing. It is very useful to master all of these methods because sometimes only one method of expression may be appropriate. And I want to draw your attention here once again to the fact that since we experience feelings every second, we need to learn to live them in every moment of time! If we did not express our feelings, we, as a goalkeeper, missed a goal into our own goal, and this goal will definitely come back to haunt us in the form of deteriorating health, a decrease in the flow of money, quarrels with loved ones, etc. They don’t joke with the energy of life! And as a conclusion, a simple diagnosis: if you have illnesses, if your income is not what you would like, it falls rather than grows, or simply stands still, if you have problems in relationships or no - 100% you suppressed your feelings somewhere and did not pay attention to them. And in the same plane - in order to realize and live your feelings - the solution to your problems will lie. Development of emotional intelligence: What is emotional intelligence? This is the ability to manage your emotional reactions, as well as understand and consider the emotions of other people. In simpler words, this is when it is not feelings and emotions that control you, but you that control them. There are many ways to develop emotional intelligence. One of them is the practice of self-reflection - consciously considering your emotions, their causes and consequences. It is also useful to learn empathy - the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes and understand their feelings and needs. But the most important thing is the ability to notice your feelings and handle them correctly, so as not to dump them on other people, and at the same time not to step on your own throat. How to cope with negative emotions? In order to cope with negative emotions, it is important to realize and understand what they are connected with? As we have already discussed above, not a single feeling (emotion) comes just like that, they carry information useful to us. Therefore, it is important not to run away from your negative states, but to learn to interact with them and recognize why it came at the moment, what does it want to communicate? And as soon as we decipher the message of the feeling and take the necessary action, it immediately dissolves. Experiencing emotions: the path to a healthy life Experiencing emotions is the process of consciously experiencing your feelings. This helps us better understand ourselves and our needs, as well as build more harmonious relationships with other people. Every time we are in contact with our states, we gain and increase our strength, and at the same time, when we ignore our feelings, we lose part of our strength,.