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How are emotions that we have not fully experienced reflected on our body? Surely you are well aware that if you do not allow emotions to be fully experienced, felt, they will go nowhere will disappear. For example, a resentment that we did not allow to manifest itself in an ecological form will not cease to exist in us. She will find a way out through psychosomatics: this is where physical health problems begin. Unlived emotions will certainly make themselves felt. But will you like their signals? One of the common manifestations of “stuck” emotions is bodily clamps. Sometimes they are difficult to feel, since a person can get used to the fact that certain muscles of his body are in constant tension. When you forget what real relaxation is, you stop noticing tension. You simply adapt. Bodily blocks that indicate suppressed emotions Jaw clamp Often tension in the jaw occurs as a result of unexpressed aggression. A person literally clenches his teeth and holds back his anger. What could this lead to? If we talk about physiology, then it leads to disruption of the temporomandibular joint. The phenomenon is very unpleasant. Head, neck, shoulders When we are afraid, we unconsciously pull our head into our shoulders. On the contrary, we raise our shoulders. Thus, we try to protect ourselves, to hide from danger. First of all, our psyche tries to protect the head and carotid artery. If a person maintains this posture for a long time, posture disorders occur. Subsequently, osteochondrosis and migraines are possible. Back Stooping can be seen in many people. When a person is used to rounding his back, throwing his shoulders forward, this inevitably leads to pain in the lower back and spine. What emotion is hidden behind this body position? As a rule, this is the fear of not being able to cope with the assigned obligations and expectations. A person literally carries an unbearable burden, which is reflected in his body. How to get rid of the clamp? There are dozens of ways to do this. I will share two of the most effective and affordable ones. Do not expect quick results - this is a process that requires your diligence. Body scanning Take a comfortable position and “scan” every part of the body with your inner gaze. Don't rush, be as careful as possible. Find muscle tension. Relaxation through tension If you have difficulty identifying tense parts of the body, tense all muscles as much as possible. And then relax. The likelihood that this relaxation will be of high quality is very high. Remember these two states. I hope my article will help you track your “stuck” emotions and allow them to manifest themselves. Sincerely, Your psychologist, consultant, cognitive behavioral therapist, Yulia Churina