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Feelings are our most vulnerable and vulnerable area. Aren't they the first to suffer when we communicate with people who are toxic to us? Is it them we protect when we forbid ourselves to fall in love with the wrong people again? Is this why we deny ourselves joy so that we no longer experience the bitterness of melancholy? To protect our feelings, we are accustomed to choosing the strategy of not feeling or trying to replace unpleasant experiences with pleasant ones. And we have been practicing this since childhood. Remember how on a holiday you were sad or bored, but those around you literally forced you to have fun. Or how you were in great pain, you wanted to cry from resentment, but adults did not accept your tears. We had to choose: to restrain ourselves or spend half the day punished in the corner. Or, out of emotion, we got into a fight, and then we had to listen to reproaches and lectures from the teacher and parents for a long time. We were forbidden to be angry, greedy, or boast. They instilled that envy is bad, and they carry water on the offended. To all this we will add various instructions: • think with your head; • tears will not help your grief; • feelings are the tenderness of a calf; • stop whining, you need to be strong; • only weaklings are afraid. And in the end, by the time you reach conscious age, you come to the conclusion that emotions and feelings only cause problems. They appear out of place. And if you trust them, they will take you to the wrong place. We want to somehow isolate ourselves from them, suppress them, drown them out. We are afraid that the feelings we experience define us as a person. If I admit to myself that I am envious, does that mean I am envious? But this is bad. And if I feel jealous, then in the end I will be left alone. And if I enjoy money and see opportunities to constantly receive it, then am I greedy? And if I openly express my emotions, then someone will he consider me weak and take advantage of this? Because of the fear of experiencing and expressing a “forbidden” emotion, we stop trusting ourselves. And all in order to be successful or at least accepted in society. But no matter how hard you try, there are still emotions. And the more you suppress them, the more violently they break out at the most inopportune moment. And often this has a destructive effect on our relationships and even nullifies the achievements and merits that we have worked so long and hard to achieve. Unfortunately, in childhood we are taught anything, but they are not taught the main thing - the correct attitude towards our experiences. After all, it is an integral part of ourselves, like a part of the body, an organ. And there’s no getting away from it. Denying and suppressing emotions is a direct road to nervous breakdowns and illness. Mindless obedience to them is the path to conflicts, loneliness and reproach. Unfortunately, not everyone understands what role emotions and feelings play in our lives, but that is what our life consists of. Yes, they are irrational in nature and sometimes arise inappropriately. place. However, they are the ones who fill our lives with meaning. This is the very reason why it is important to learn to manage your condition.