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A woman can never replace a man in raising. But it can help a boy grow into a full-fledged individual. At the age of about a year, the child begins to realize his gender identity. During this period, he needs some kind of example to which the baby will strive and copy his behavior, manner of communication and character traits. If a father cannot become this example, then a grandfather, older brother, or uncle can replace him. For older children, an example could be a coach in a sports section. A child must learn the skills of communicating with men and have an example to follow. If the parents are divorced and the mother is offended by the father, then in the child’s eyes the man should still remain a loved and good person. Their communication cannot be prevented. If the father does not want to communicate, then the child should tell the truth, without embellishing the situation: “Father did not come to visit you this weekend, I see that you are upset.” If you create the image of a monster father, the child will project this image onto all men. The child feels all the emotions that the mother experiences next to men. If she is afraid of them, does not trust them, or experiences aggression, then the boy will also experience difficulties in communicating with men in the future. Read books to the boy about brave knights, select films in which men are courageous heroes. Do not try to compensate for the father’s love by surrounding the boy is cared for 24 hours a day. One of the main qualities of a man is independence. A boy must be able to do everything: wash dishes, clean the apartment, hammer nails. There is no need to stand over his soul, controlling his every move: it is important to trust your son. There is no need to devote yourself and your whole life to your child. This is one of the most common mistakes. The mother throws all her interests into the sacrifice of her son, and then expects a return from the child. Does the child need this sacrifice? Don't forget about your life, happiness and interests. You shouldn’t make your child feel guilty because you don’t get enough sleep while working for him. A mother shouldn’t be an iron lady who can solve all problems. She should be kind, gentle, affectionate. But you shouldn’t go too far, placing the responsibility on the boy for caring for a defenseless mother. Praise the child more often, strengthen his self-confidence. For a boy, this is important: “You are my hero,” “You will succeed!” Be prepared for jealousy on the part of your son if a new man appears in your life. Their relationship should be established gradually and tactfully. Do not forget that the mother is an adult, and the son is a child. He should not fill the void caused by the absence of a grown man. The child needs your support and should not be the boss of the house. Respect your son’s opinion and way of thinking. If he was offended, be on his side. Don't scold him for mistakes, but guide him. Don't go to one of two extremes. In the first, the woman dissolves in her son, in the second, on the contrary, she behaves dryly, trying to fill the gap of a harsh male upbringing. Both of these positions form a distorted picture of the world. In the first case, the child will most likely grow up indecisive and weak-willed. In the second, he may lose faith in people because he did not receive enough parental love in childhood. Raising a boy without a father is a responsible, but feasible task. A family - regardless of whether it is complete or not - is, first of all, respect and confidence, where the child is loved, expected and supported. In my life I had such an experience: after a divorce, we were left alone with our son, but a man appeared who did not just become a male figure in life, but also gave his son love, friendship...