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I’ll tell you using an example from life. Of course, no names, no personal details) Woman, maybe forty years old. She worked as an accountant for twenty of them. And she was very tired of this occupation... I ask how it happened that you chose this profession? Yes, she says, I didn’t choose. When I graduated from school, and I graduated well, my parents said that I should go to college. I had no special interests, so my parents themselves assigned me to the Faculty of Economics. They decided that accountants are always needed, there will always be work, and there will always be income. In general, the parents thought correctly. The daughter became a good accountant, she was appreciated at work, the salary was very good, and there was prosperity in the house. But... Gradually this work began to become more and more unloved. These numbers, this documentation, the constant visits to the tax office are unpleasant. And, after twenty years of impeccable work, the woman thought about changing her type of activity. I usually suggest that those who turn to me for advice on career guidance perform several tests. For career guidance, I collected three tests into a single battery, including E.A. Klimov’s Differential Diagnostic Test and two personality tests. DDO allows you to identify the current interests of the person who has applied; personal interests reveal the characteristics of temperament and character. Based on this data, we are already working with the client. This time the tests showed that she is a very creative person, loves nature, very purposeful and independent. That is, she will be able to work and earn money as a freelancer. They discussed where and how she could use her existing interests, talents, determination, and how to get a new specialty. As a result of the consultation, the client drew up her own plan for developing her career. She determined the direction in which she wants to move now, determined where and how she will study, she even got excited about the idea of ​​​​writing her own business plan) But that will be “another story.” So it turns out that the main difference between career guidance consultations for adults and consultations for teenagers is that with adults we are discussing the issue of future income with the help of a new profession. Whereas with teenagers such discussions are completely pointless. I invite you to come to me for consultations on career guidance and employment. I know the labor market, I monitor it regularly, and I know how to write a resume and help others write it correctly.