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From the author: Who loves fairy tales written by the author? The essence of writing is not complicated. Heroes from a certain given and situation go through each their own path and are reborn. Along the way, they meet and influence each other's destinies. The line of development (path) of the hero is a metaphor, an important essence and idea of ​​​​the fairy tale. This is my fairy tale “On the Power of Love”. Mind you, don’t judge strictly, I’m not a pro writer yet :) One day, the Witch and the Tormentor decided to lure the Orphan into the dark forest. “Anyway, no one needs him,” the Witch said to her accomplice. Who will take care of this child who has no one? Let's lure him - you will torture him, and then I will also profit from the sweet children's bones. - The orphan is used to being picked on, that he is a victim. And in his soul he has the hope that he will be loved... He is naive and trusting of everyone. Fool! No one loved him and he doesn’t know what a good attitude is. We can easily deceive him by telling him that he is bad, that we are the only ones who will take care of him and will give him a place in our service - the Tormentor supported the idea. But it so happened that the insidious plans of the Witch and the Tormentor were revealed. The old herbalist was returning with a bundle of rare herbs from the far edges of the forest. And she couldn’t help but hear the Tormentor Witch making insidious plans. She felt sorry for the Orphan. She looked at the runes that appeared on the ordinary roadside pebbles of the forest and saw that Mother Earth herself, Nature, was angry with the Tormentor for offending and destroying her creations. The Tormentor got his nickname from his tormenting desire to obtain the souls of those who had them. The soul that he himself had lost and was now trying to take it out of someone in order to return it to himself. But he only appropriated and dominated what could not belong to him, and continued to be soulless. Mother Earth had seen a lot of injustice, and she knew very well the nature of the Tormentor. Once upon a time, the Tormentor was a wonderful young man, a strong man. He fell in love with a sweet girl and wanted to give her his soul, hand and heart. But she rejected him and laughed at him. She didn’t need his soul, just like his heart, hand, and himself. But the Strongman did not want to take his soul back, did not want to live with a broken heart, and because of this he rejected everything that was bright, kind and living in himself. And he himself turned into a Tormentor. Since then, the Tormentor has been looking for his new victim, from whom, according to custom, he will take out the soul, extinguish the fire in her heart, or at least cut off her hands in order to make her his helpless puppet... In this he now saw his joy. But the trouble is that souls continued to slip out of his hands. Hearts burned with love, no matter how he tried to extinguish them. And he did not take into account at all that they may have defenders who protect all the good that is in this world: the souls of children and loving people. And they do not allow them to fall into the clutches of the Tormentors. And so the Doctor sent a message to the Orphan that the Witch and the Tormentor wanted to exterminate him from the world. Mother Earth conveyed the message through her messengers - the inhabitants of the forest, the meadow and the wind. The news reached the Orphan and conveyed the message through the song of the Jester, who caught the tune out of thin air. He sang his song in the main square of the city, ridiculing the machinations of the Witch and the Tormentor. And this song was recognized by the old woman Quibbler, and by the girl with whom the Tormentor was once in love, and by the Defender, who defended the innocent, and by the Doctor. And now Sirota knew her. The plans of the Witch and the Tormentor were revealed. The orphan learned that he was not alone, and there were kind people and protectors next to him who would never let him be offended. That these people are creating a dome for him too, which was always created by loving and kind people who needed each other. So everyone felt involved in the fate of the other, and with loving nature - Mother Earth. Only the Quibbler did not calm down, she was torn apart by the obvious injustice of the song towards her. They forgot about her. She couldn’t resist and expressed everything to both good people and villains. The villains had no shame or conscience, so she had no choice but to direct her nagging at good people. For only in this way could she also feel her involvement, importance and significance, because?