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How do we react to this world? We are surprised, happy, scared, upset....we show the whole range of our emotions. And although some are still beyond our control, sometimes... we can’t even control them, with anger, for example, or fear. But they are clear to us. For the most part, we understand what/who we are angry about and what/who we are afraid of. But what is anxiety, why does it arise unexpectedly and why we don’t understand why we suddenly became anxious. One of the logical answers to the question Why - by definition) By definition, anxiety is interpreted as a pointless emotional state of expectation of misfortune. But this is how humans and not only humans are structured, animals are also especially afraid of what they do not understand. Because of anxiety, we become irritable, the whole body seems to be constrained, sleep is disturbed, motor restlessness, nervousness, and excessive activity may occur. This is how a young girl with generalized anxiety disorder describes anxiety. “When anxiety begins, it’s as if my breath is squeezing in my chest, each new breath is given through an effort, coldness and trembling seem to pass from the center of my chest, this is very unpleasant, little by little the sensations from the center are replaced by “pins and needles”, my heart beats faster, anxiety takes over the whole body, and it’s already very heavy. It’s as if there are huge slabs on top of the shoulders, the cheeks begin to pulsate, nausea appears, the eyes become dark, waves seem to pass through the body, the hands begin to shake.” The description is similar to the beginning of a panic attack. Essentially, a panic attack is an attack of severe anxiety. During a panic attack, everything occurs at lightning speed, and may be accompanied by dizziness and even diarrhea. Frightening thoughts that this is “something wrong with the heart” add intensity and there seems to be no end to it. Let's acknowledge the fact that there is nothing superfluous in our body. Why do we need such an “interesting” but very heavy mechanism? For protection, of course. Unexpectedly... The goal of a panic attack, and we consider it in the context of severe anxiety, is to collect all the body's resources into one as quickly as possible in a situation of danger. But there is no danger...Why then? We remember that, by definition, anxiety is a pointless expectation of misfortune. It's all about the formation of anxiety, once it arose for the first time and it was very scary. And this first time could be associated with a performance in public, with an incident on transport, with travel, with a confined space. These are the situations most often described by patients. And this first time was so frightening, so vivid, and so memorable that when something similar arises, you begin to listen to yourself, and already learn to track the subtle signals of the body, it’s about to begin... And this the very “premonition” seems to trigger the PA. Finding itself in similar situations, the body automatically produces those vivid reactions of the “first” time. We start the mechanism ourselves, we give the command to the body to concentrate, because we sensed danger. Since we are the “masters,” that means we control this mechanism. Let's tame PA. Let's learn to live it first. We have learned well how to track our symptoms in PA, and now we know the sequence of what awaits us. We describe, talk through what is happening to us, and turn our attention to breathing. Anxiety is not at all friendly with attention, that is: these two processes cannot take place simultaneously. We are either anxious or attentive. It is on this principle that HR recommendations are based, for example, during an interview, when you are nervous before starting, start counting the objects in the room. You seem to switch to another mode, Attention mode. With PA, the thought that you are going to die is frightening. There is a treatment option when PA is specifically called in the presence of a specialist, they live through it and make sure that it is not fatal. Therefore, it is worth saying this thought... Example (from practice): "... To calm down, I begin to breathe deeply and slowly count to myself to 10. I also say that all my thoughts and sensations are normal, and they are short-term in nature, and then what: +79166885913