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From the author: It’s even worse for a child in a divorce, he simply doesn’t know: which piece of the broken family mirror to look at, who to listen to, who to love more, who to believe. Dear parents, remember how it was before the child! Did he introduce you, help you choose the first bouquet, feel the sweetness of your first kiss, did he put your wedding rings on you?! Dear parents, be consistent in the case of divorce. Figure it out without the child. Although it is very convenient to hide behind it. But he doesn’t know that he became the victim of two people close in blood and genes. Think: he asked that you bring him into the world for scandals, divisions, conflicts, showdowns, evil glances or - what is even worse - silence that destroys a child's soul. Logically, a child is born for joy, for happiness, love and harmony. And what did he, dear parents, receive from you... Father and mother are like two angels who help God raise a new life, a new dream and a new hope. What does a child have to go through during a divorce?! After all, his world completely collapses, he loses his support in life, like a blind man loses his stick in a noisy city. It’s even worse for the child, he simply doesn’t know which piece of the broken family mirror to look at, who to listen to, who to love more, who to believe. After all, one half of him is mom, and the other half is dad. And out of misunderstanding, he screams at night, begins to be afraid of his family, runs away from his father, cries when he sees his grandmother, feels trapped in a new house, does not find a way to live on and simply grow. What to do? How to live further? Such questions are asked to a psychologist when a child already has neurotic conditions, when he bites his nails until they bleed, or cuts his hair to a bald spot, or at the age of ten begins to wet the bed. But he just wants to return everything back, to become small again and not understand anything. Bring mom and dad back as one. In this case, there is no need to scold the child, he is not to blame. Scold yourself. Sometimes it seems that everything is fine: the child has become obedient after the divorce, loves you for both of you, helps around the house, has become an “adult”. The divorce was probably good for him. From a cheerful spoiler he became an excellent student and a hard worker... But he simply pays off the feeling of guilt for the fact that you got divorced, taking responsibility upon himself. Before the divorce, he was cheerful and just a child. Yes, if you talk to the child, prepare him for such an ending of the relationship, perhaps everything will be fine, perhaps he will even wait for you to get divorced, but the pain will always be there - even at ten years and fifty. After all, trauma is when your whole life is broken, and you have to heal for the rest of your life. Victoria Nazarevich