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From the author: Today they often talk about the family crisis. But a crisis is always a period of transition. What awaits us on the horizon? What chances does a family crisis provide? The crisis of the family as a way of coexistence among people is spoken about today with enviable regularity. By the way, different conclusions are drawn from this thesis. Someone applauds and says that the family is a relic of the past, someone anxiously calls for a return to traditional values ​​that will help restore the status quo, someone suggests moving in marriage from the language of feelings to the language of pragmatism, thereby making relationships transparent and mutually beneficial. In general, everyone wants to do something without understanding what is happening, they offer recipes without knowing the diagnosis. And what do we have in the bottom line? In relatively recent times, family has ceased to be a condition for human survival. In everyday and socio-economic terms, women and men can completely exist without each other. Yes, together it is safer and easier, more pleasant, but being apart is also bearable. There is no need to reckon with someone and solve someone's problems. Even the issue of childbearing today can be resolved outside of marriage and even sexual intercourse through medical technologies. We can conclude that the improvement in the quality of life of people has nullified many external supports on which the institution of the family rested. And, if we suddenly want to cite the example of families of the past, then in them people were kept from despair much more often than from great love. Today's crisis is a test in which each of us needs to find (or create) the true meaning of family. To put it simply - the meaning of intimacy between a man and a woman in conditions of mutual obligations. I will be categorical: without commitment, there is no depth in a relationship. I don't believe in this, because any healthy relationship is the intersection of love and responsibility. Perhaps now lovers of biological models will rise up and say that people are just animals, polygamous creatures and intimacy is only a euphemism for sexuality. Only the feeling of kinship, support, need for each other, acceptance, altruism and others, from the point of view of biology, absurdity, prove to me that being a human is not the same as being a beast, even a complex one. It is precisely the bestiality in gender relations that has become so much that even a first-grader understands that this is not the true nature of man, but spiritual licentiousness. This always happens after the external framework is lost. And so it serves them, the frames. But relationships will not become bearable until a person begins to take personal responsibility for his life, until he understands, albeit belatedly, the value of loving and being loved. These are not empty words for someone who knows how to feel. And we know how to feel everything. The question arises: “How to raise children in a family crisis not as emotionally disabled, but as those who are able to love and be in close relationships, realizing the difficulty of intimacy?” The answer is very simple - to learn sincerity myself, to figure out for myself what the value of family is for me personally. There are no universal values ​​and rules, and that’s great. An opportunity opens up for cooperation and customizing relationships to suit the individuality of spouses and children. Therefore, healthy relationships begin with respect for yourself, the other, and the desire to take risks. Yes, openness and sincerity involve vulnerability, but if we do not learn to be open and sincere, life in the family will be a hypocritical torment. I think it’s worth taking a risk to find a loved one in this not always friendly world.