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Many people complain about low self-esteem and see it as the cause of many problems. To understand this, it’s worth clarifying what self-esteem generally is? Self-esteem is how I evaluate myself, my abilities and achievements: enough/not enough, good/bad, right/wrong. The problem with the issue of self-esteem is that when we evaluate ourselves, we one way or another rely on an external opinion about ourselves or comparing ourselves with others, this is a rather superficial attitude towards ourselves as a set of functions, without taking into account the individual characteristics of the individual. Therefore, self-esteem is not underestimated or overestimated, it is unstable (depending on the level assessments at each individual moment) or stable. What helps to stabilize self-esteem so as not to go in a vicious circle: today I am on top, as I received a lot of compliments and approval, tomorrow, being with people “more successful”, I feel like an insignificance? To stabilize self-esteem influences the feeling of self-worth. Self-worth is a deep, fundamental belief in one’s own worth and dignity, independent of external factors and achievements. A person who feels true self-worth knows and accepts himself, does not idealize or devalue himself, has a pronounced individuality, allows himself and others freedom opinions, thinking, expressions. Signs of problems with self-worth: - It is difficult to praise yourself, talk about your achievements, strengths. Devaluation of one’s positive life experience and achievements with phrases: “everyone could do it,” “it’s too easy,” “there’s nothing special about it.” Constantly comparing oneself with others, not taking into account different life experiences and personal characteristics. There is no understanding of one’s individuality. - Strong fear of mistakes. The conviction that everything should work out the first time (all or nothing). - A constant need for praise and positive evaluation from the outside. Working on self-worth is a long process, the main stages of which are: getting to know yourself, your individuality (strengths and weaknesses, features, differences), accepting one’s life path, cultivating internal authority before oneself.