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From the author: Read all about relationships here Hello! If you want to make your life incredibly monotonous and boring, I have a couple of recommendations that work perfectly (tested from my own experience). So: 1. Wear the same clothes every day, preferably in dark colors (explain your choice to cold or wet or dirty weather, lack of other clothes in your wardrobe, the comfort of these particular clothes, etc.). Wear beautiful dresses (or just dresses) only on March 8 or on your birthday.2. Don't change your rhythm of life. In no case should you allow deviations from the regime in the form of concerts, exhibitions, parties, theaters (especially on weekdays). Take the same route to work. Don't do gymnastics if you've never done it. Don't change your habits. Don’t try to eat without a TV (otherwise the modernization of the country will come to a standstill without your close attention). Don't quit smoking, it's difficult, you've already tried. 3. Be convinced that you already know everything. Do not attend any educational or developmental courses, programs, seminars, or trainings. Consider it a waste of time and money.4. Prepare the same set of dishes (borscht, pasta or potatoes, cutlets). No experiments with Greek or Italian or Moroccan cuisine, no exotic names for dishes or drinks.5. Consider a trip to the hypermarket the biggest adventure that happened to you in a week.6. Don't do anything stupid. You will probably look funny (make a list of stupid things individually).7. Consider that everything is already behind you and you are already too old, smart, wise, good, decent, etc. to start doing something in your life.8. Don't do anything you haven't done before. Firstly, you won’t like it, secondly, you won’t succeed, thirdly, this is complete nonsense (they told you), well, and besides, see paragraph 7.9. Don't experiment with sex. The missionary position is one of the most comfortable, proven, reliable, favorite, nothing better has yet been invented. 10. Spend your vacation in your apartment, doing renovations or lying on the sofa in front of the TV.11. Do not celebrate dates that are important to you (birthdays, anniversaries, anniversaries). All the same, everything will be like last year, and you don’t want anything, and there’s nothing to wear, and there’s no money.12. Wait for someone to make a holiday for you. Don’t do anything on your own, otherwise the holiday won’t work out. Be offended if “someone” didn’t make a holiday for you, most likely he is a scoundrel (although the last recommendation is a little inappropriate for creating boredom, because it’s a shame to diversify your life a little).13. Carefully hide your feelings, especially from loved ones. Let them think that you are always beautiful, cheerful, smart. 14. Don’t even think about leaving everything and going to Thailand or changing jobs or dyeing your hair. Remember that you have a job, a plan, a report, a balance sheet, obligations, and they will not understand you.15. See the world as a threat to you and your loved ones. Avoid the idea that the world is a collection of possibilities.16. Always find excuses for the fact that you don’t change anything in your life and on your epitaph they will write “I was reluctant...”. Follow these recommendations, and you are guaranteed a monotonous life. Sincerely, Yulia Minakova. Love yourself and your loved ones.